PC Games

Quake 4

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Quake 4 is a heart-pounding first-person shooter game that will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Set in a futuristic world where Earth is under attack by a relentless alien force, players must take on the role of a Marine fighting to save humanity from extinction.

With stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, Quake 4 delivers a thrilling gaming experience like no other. The game features a wide range of weapons and upgrades to help you take down the enemy, as well as intense multiplayer modes for endless hours of online fun.

But it’s not just about shooting and killing – Quake 4 also offers a compelling storyline that will keep you engaged throughout the game. As you progress through the levels, you’ll uncover the truth behind the alien invasion and the dark secrets that lie within the depths of the enemy’s stronghold.

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the genre, Quake 4 is sure to provide hours of entertainment and adrenaline-pumping action. So gear up, lock and load, and get ready to save the world in this epic battle for survival.

Quake 4 Game Cheats, Tips, Codes, Hints and Tricks

Weapon mod names:

Use one of the following entries with the spawn code. Note: You must already have the base weapon for the mod for it to be of any use )enable the give all code first if needed).


Console Mode

Press (~,Ctrl, and Alt) to bring up the game console:

GOD – Toggle GOD Mode
notarget – toggle invisibility
gfxinfo – graphics card information
give ammo – give ammo
give armor – max armor
give health – max health
saveGame – Saves the game
give all weapons – gives all weapons
benchmark – game benchmark
kill – commit suicide
clear – Clears the Console
give item_health_mega – +100 health up to 200
give all – All weapons with full ammo, health and armor
give weapon_dmg – get a dark matter gun plus some ammo
give weapon_grenadelauncher – get a grenade launcher with ammo
give weapon_hyperblaster – get a hyperblaster plus some ammo
give weapon_lightninggun – get a lightning gun plus some ammo
give weapon_machinegun – get a machinegun plus some ammo
give weapon_nailgun – get a nailgun plus some ammo
give weapon_railgun – get a railgun plus some ammo
give weapon_rocketlauncher – get a rocket launcher plus some ammo
give weapon_shotgun – get a shotgun plus some ammo
give weapons – get all weapons without any ammo
give quad – Get quad damage (x4 normal weapon damage)
g_showplayershadow # – 1 shows shadow, 0 removes it
pm_thirdperson # – 1 turns third-person mode on, 0 turns it off
com_allowconsole 1 – Allows console opening and closing with just ~
undying – can be knocked down to 1 health and 0 armor, but can’t die
editor – Close the game and open the map editor
testlight – Creates a new light source where you’re pointing
screenshotJpeg T- akes a jpeg screenshot
noclip – toggle ability to fly and move through solid objects
pm_noclipspeed # – How fast you move in noclip mode
pm_crouchspeed # – How fast you move when crouched
pm_speed # – How fast you move when running
pm_jumpheight # – How high you can jump
quit – immediately exit from game
modview – Launches the model viewer
g_fov # – Makes your field of vision wider.
timescale 1 – Returns the game speed to normal.
avidemo – save a demo of your playing to an AVI movie file
killmonsters – remove all monsters and NPCs from current level
poplight – Removes a “testlight”-created light source

Spawn enemies or good guys

Press “Ctrl, Alt and ~” to bring up the console and type in the following and then press “Enter” when done to spawn one of the following. Each one mess be entered seperatley. There is a bigger list but these are the only ones that work! If you don’t want to ruin the game and see some of the future enemies in game then don’t use these or even read this list! If I have a “unknown enemy” listed that means I just don’t know what it is called.

Code – Result:

spawn monster_harvester_combat – Spawns “Spider” mechs (Massive)
spawn char_doctor – Spawns a doctor
spawn char_marine – Spawns a marine (has a gun)
spawn char_marine_fatigues – Spawns a marine in shirt and shorts
spawn char_marine_tech_armed – Spawns a marine that fixes armor
spawn char_marine_medic – Spawns a Medic marine that heals you
spawn monster_repair_bot – Spawns a Repair Bot
spawn char_marine_tech – Spawns an unarmed, unnamed techy.
spawn char_marine_medic_armed – Spawns unnamed, armed medic.
spawn monster_makron – Spawns Boss (Very Big)
spawn monster_gladiator – Spawns enemy with Shield
spawn monster_fatty – Spawns Fatty Boss (Big and Invincible)
spawn char_kane_strogg – Spawns Kane in Strogg form (has a gun)
spawn monster_bossbuddy – Spawns Mech Boss (Small)
spawn monster_network_guardian – Spawns the Network Boss (Big)
spawn monster_scientist – Spawns the Strogg”Doctor” robot
spawn monster_berserker – Spawns unknown enemy
spawn monster_failed_transfer – Spawns unknown enemy
spawn monster_grunt – Spawns unknown enemy
spawn monster_gunner – Spawns unknown enemy
spawn monster_iron_maiden – Spawns unknown enemy
spawn monster_sentry – Spawns unknown enemy
spawn monster_slimy_transfer – Spawns unknown enemy

Model names:

Use one of the following entries with the spawn code:


Quake 4 level codes

The password screen is the standard console, which can be gotten by holding Ctrl and Alt and pressing ~ (tilde). After the console’s up, type “map game/mapname”, replacing mapname with one of the codes listed below. For example, to start a new game in the Nexus Core area, you’d type: map game/core1.

code – Result:

airdefense1 – Air Defense Base (beginning of game)
airdefense2 – Air Defense Trenches
convoy2 – Aqueducts
convoy2b – Aqueducts Annex
convoy1 – Canyon
walker – Construction Zone
network2 – Data Networking Security
network1 – Data Networking Terminal
process2 – Data Processing Security
storage2 – Data Storage Security
dispersal – Dispersal Facility
process1 – game/process1
storage1 – game/storage1
hangar1 – Hangar Perimeter
hangar2 – Interior Hangar
mcc_landing – MCC Landing Site
core1 – Nexus Core
hub2 – Nexus Hub
hub1 – Nexus Hub Tunnels
mcc_1 – Operation: Advantage
mcc_2 – Operation: Last Hope
building_b – Perimeter Defense Station
putra – Putrification Center
recomp – Recomposition Center
medlabs – Strogg Medical Facilities
core2 – The Nexus
tram1 — Tram Hub Station
tram1b – Tram Rail
waste – Waste Processing Facility

Weapon mod console codes

Ctrl + Alt + ~ for console, These are Weapon Mods for the weapons that you get as you progress in the game. A marine tech thoughout the game will give you these but if you want to get them now, you can. The only catch is… You need to weapon to use the mod. No problem there cause you can spawn the weapon as well or use “give all”. Like mentioned above you need the weapon first to use the mod. Spawning these icon mods does not automaticly give you the weapon with the mod. It only gives you the mod itself which is useless with out the weapon.

spawn Adds guided missile functionality (Right-click):
spawn weaponmod_rocketlauncher_homing

Allows lightning to jump between nearby enemies:

Allows shots to bounce off of walls:
spawn weaponmod_hyperblaster_bounce1

extended clip to 80:
spawn weaponmod_machinegun_ammo

Fire up to 3 rockets in rapid succession:
spawn weaponmod_rocketlauncher_burst

firepower mod Increses firerate and amount:
spawn weaponmod_nailgun_rof

firepower mod Increses firerate and amount:
spawn weaponmod_nailgun_ammo

firepower mod Increses firerate and amount:
spawn weaponmod_nailgun_power

Homing nails with scope:
spawn weaponmod_nailgun_seek

Much more damaging railgun:
spawn weaponmod_railgun_penetrate

Reloads using clips, instead of 1 shell at a time:
spawn weaponmod_shotgun_ammo

Special Characters in your MultiPlayer Name

From the Main Menu, goto Multiplayer, then goto Settings. Then click on your name to change it. Enter these symbols in as would with any other character.

Code Result:

^idm1 – For a Green X
^iarr – For a right arrow
^idm0 – For a skull and crossbones
^ifve – For a star
^idse – For the Armor Shard symbol
^iw09 – For the Dark Matter Gun symbol
^idbl – For the Doubler symbol
^iw00 – For the Gauntlet symbol
^iw04 – For the Grenade Launcher symbol
^igrd – For the Guard symbol
^iw03 – For the HyperBlaster symbol
^iw08 – For the LightningGun symbol
^iw01 – For the MachineGun symbol
^iflm – For the Marine Flag symbol
^iw05 – For the NailGun symbol
^ipse – For the Padlock symbol
^ifdd – For the Played Muted symbol
^ifde – For the Played Unmuted symbol
^ipbe – For the PunkBuster Logo
^iw07 – For the RailGun symbol
^irgn – For the Regeneration symbol
^iw06 – For the RocketLauncher symbol
^isct – For the Scout symbol
^iw02 – For the Shotgun symbol
^ifls – For the Strogg Flag symbol
^ivcd – For the Voice Disabled symbol
^ivce – For the Voice Enabled symbol

Console Codes:
Bring up console by holding Ctrl and Alt and pressing ~ (tilde).

Code: Effect:
avidemo Save a demo of your playing to AVI
benchmark Game benchmark
clear Clears the Console
com_allowconsole 1 Open/Close console with ~
editor Close game and open the map editor
g_fov # Makes your field of vision wider.
g_showplayershadow # 1 shows shadow, 0 removes it
gfxinfo Graphics card information
give all Full weapons, ammo, health and armor
give all Stocks all weapons and items
give all weapons Gives all weapons
give ammo Give ammo
give ammo Stocks ammunition
give armor Max armor
give armor Stocks body armor
give health Max health
give health Stocks life/health
give item_health_mega +100 health up to 200
give quad Get quad damage (x4 weapon damage)
give weapon_dmg Get a dark matter gun plus some ammo
give weapon_grenadelauncher Get a grenade launcher plus some ammo
give weapon_hyperblaster Get a hyperblaster plus some ammo
give weapon_lightninggun Get a lightning gun plus some ammo
give weapon_machinegun Get a machinegun plus some ammo
give weapon_nailgun Get a nailgun plus some ammo
give weapon_railgun Get a railgun plus some ammo
give weapon_rocketlauncher Get a rocket launcher plus some ammo
give weapon_shotgun Get a shotgun plus some ammo
give weapons Get all weapons without any ammo
god Invulnerability
GOD Toggle GOD Mode
kill Commit suicide
killmonsters Remove all monsters from level
listcmd List all documented commands
listcvar Dsiplay all cvars
listentities Display all Q4 entities
listmonsters Display all Q4 monsters/enemies
modview Launches the model viewer
noclip Clipping toggle
noclip Clipping toggle
notarget Toggle invisibility
pm_crouchspeed # How fast you move when crouched
pm_jumpheight # How high you can jump
pm_noclipspeed # How fast you move in noclip mode
pm_speed # How fast you move when running
pm_thirdperson # Third-person mode on 1, 0 off
quit Immediately exit from game
saveGame Saves the game
screenshotJpeg Takes a jpeg screenshot
timescale 1 Returns the game speed to normal
timescale 15 Speeds up the game
undying Player stops taking wounds at 1 health

Level Codes:
Bring up console by holding Ctrl and Alt and pressing ~ (tilde).
Type “map game/mapname”, replace mapname with one of the codes listed.

Level: Code:
Air Defense Base (beginning of game) airdefense1
Air Defense Trenches airdefense2
Perimeter Defense Station building_b
Canyon convoy1
Aqueducts convoy2
Aqueducts Annex convoy2b
Nexus Core core1
The Nexus core2
Dispersal Facility dispersal
Hangar Perimeter hangar1
Interior Hangar hangar2
Nexus Hub Tunnels hub1
Nexus Hub hub2
Operation: Advantage mcc_1
Operation: Last Hope mcc_2
MCC Landing Site mcc_landing
Strogg Medical Facilities medlabs
Data Networking Terminal network1
Data Networking Security network2
game/process1 process1
Data Processing Security process2
Putrification Center putra
Recomposition Center recomp
game/storage1 storage1
Data Storage Security storage2
Tram Hub Station tram1
Tram Rail tram1b
Construction Zone walker
Waste Processing Facility waste

Spawn Codes:
Bring up console by holding Ctrl and Alt and pressing ~ (tilde).

Weapon: Code:
Much more damaging railgun spawn weaponmod_railgun_penetrate
Allows shots to bounce off of walls spawn weaponmod_hyperblaster_bounce1
Increses firerate and amount spawn weaponmod_nailgun_rof
Increses firerate and amount spawn weaponmod_nailgun_ammo
Increses firerate and amount spawn weaponmod_nailgun_power
Homing nails with scope spawn weaponmod_nailgun_seek
Reloads using clips spawn weaponmod_shotgun_ammo
extended clip to 80 spawn weaponmod_machinegun_ammo
Allows lightning to jump b/w enemies spawn weaponmod_lightninggun_chain
Fire up to 3 rockets rapidly spawn weaponmod_rocketlauncher_burst
Adds guided missile functionality spawn weaponmod_rocketlauncher_homing

Enemy: Code:
Spawns unknown enemy spawn monster_slimy_transfer
Spawns unknown enemy spawn monster_sentry
Spawns the Strogg”Doctor” robot spawn monster_scientist
Spawns the Network Boss (Big) spawn monster_network_guardian
Spawns Boss (Very Big) spawn monster_makron
Spawns unknown enemy spawn monster_iron_maiden
Spawns “Spider” mechs (Massive) spawn monster_harvester_combat
Spawns unknown enemy spawn monster_gunner
Spawns unknown enemy spawn monster_grunt
Spawns enemy with Shield spawn monster_gladiator
Spawns Fatty Boss (Big & Invincible) spawn monster_fatty
Spawns unknown enemy spawn monster_failed_transfer
Spawns unknown enemy spawn monster_berserker
Spawns Mech Boss (Small) spawn monster_bossbuddy
Spawns a Repair Bot spawn monster_repair_bot
Spawns Kane in Strogg form spawn char_kane_strogg
Spawns a marine (has a gun) spawn char_marine
Spawns a marine in shirt & shorts spawn char_marine_fatigues
Spawns a healing Medic marine spawn char_marine_medic
Spawns a marine that fixes armor spawn char_marine_tech_armed
Spawns a doctor spawn char_doctor
Spawns an unnamed, armed medic. spawn char_marine_medic_armed
Spawns an unarmed, unnamed techy. spawn char_marine_tech

Symbol Codes:
From the Main Menu, goto Multiplayer, then goto Settings.
Then click on your name to change it. Enter these symbols
in as would with any other character.

Symbol: Code:
For the MachineGun symbol ^iw01
For the Shotgun symbol ^iw02
For the HyperBlaster symbol ^iw03
For the Grenade Launcher symbol ^iw04
For the NailGun symbol ^iw05
For the RocketLauncher symbol ^iw06
For the RailGun symbol ^iw07
For the LightningGun symbol ^iw08
For the Dark Matter Gun symbol ^iw09
For the Gauntlet symbol ^iw00

Skip Movies:
Add +disconnect to the shortcut’s command line. This may be used
in conjunction with the dev-console activator.