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G-Nome is a thrilling PC game that will transport you to a futuristic world filled with intense battles and high-tech warfare. As a pilot of a powerful mech suit, you must navigate through stunning landscapes and engage in epic combat against enemy forces. With cutting-edge graphics and immersive gameplay, G-Nome will keep you on the edge of your seat as you strategize your way to victory. Whether you prefer stealthy tactics or all-out firepower, this game offers endless possibilities for customization and playstyles. Get ready to experience the adrenaline-pumping action of G-Nome and prove your skills on the battlefield.

G-Nome Game Cheats, Tips, Codes, Hints and Tricks

Cheat :

Redtop Trod – Access all missionsHorny Elk Leer – Access maximum-range radarHad a Nude On – Lets you press CTRL-I to become invulnerableBrass Clue – Lets you press CTRL-Z to refill your ammoRotted Drop – Lets you press CTRL-F to destroy targeted enemyOh No! Less Japan – Lets you press CTRL-X to get ion-strike weaponHalf Libel – Lets you press CTRL-B to teleport to selected waypoint or targetO’Sarge – Gives the sargeant in the training missions an Irish accentMother Mourn Us – Changes a mountain in mission 1-5 to Mt. Rushmore with the programmers facesSwiss Throat – Changes the Citadel building into 7th Level’s HeadquartersChaste Coed – Plays end movieA Scramble On – Lets you press SHIFT-CTRL-Right Click to capture a screen shotDunk It Here – Play outtakes from recording sessionsJump Step – Level selectMother Mourn Us – Turn mountain in Misison 1-5 into Mt. Rushmoreof programersSwiss Throat – Turn Citadel in Mission 2-6 into 7th Level HQ. Press TAB to cycle through pictures of the programersUse a gashr on an occupied ship and the pilot will come out. If you go into the ship, it’s yours.In-Game-Keys:CTRL+I – InvinciblityCTRL+Z – Refill ammoCTRL+F – Destroy current targetCTRL+B – Teleport Behind TargetCTRL+P – All targets on radar

Battlefield-only display:
Press [Ctrl] + H during game play.

Cheat mode:
Press [Ctrl] + [F1] at the main screen to display the cheat prompt. Enter one
of the following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding cheat
function. A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Effect Code
Press [Ctrl] + P to display all objects on radar. Horny Elk Leer
Press [Ctrl] + F to instantly kill target Rotted Drop
Press [Ctrl] + B to teleport near selected waypoint Half Libel
Press [Ctrl] + Z for full weapons* Brass Clue
Press [Ctrl] + I for invincible mech, tower, buildings Had A Nude On
Press [Ctrl] + X for an ion strike Oh No! Less Japan
Press [Ctrl] + K to remove displays** A Mere Fart
Sarge with Irish accent in training missions O’Sarge
Play recording session outtakes Dunk It Here
Single player mission select Redtop Trod
View ending sequence Chaste Coed
Press [Shift] + [Ctrl] + Right Mouse Button for screenshot A Scramble On
Programmer’s faces appear on Mt. Rushmore on level 1-5 Mother Mourn Us
Level select Range Goes Gory
View programmers*** Swiss Throat

* This code cannot be enabled while in the weapon tower.
** This removes the radar, enemy shield and energy, and shield and energy
*** The Citadel building in level 2-6 will transform into 7th Level
Headquarters. Enter and press [Tab] to view the programmers.

At the Mission computer (where you can select Game, Options, etc)
just press ctrl+F1 . There You can enter one or more of the
following codes. Sorry, but I didn’t had the time to find out
which code is for what. Nevertheless You have the ability to get
invulnerable and refill your ammo pods. Remember that all the
codes are case sensitive! Correct codes will be confirmed by a

Here are the codes:

Actions: Results:

Redtop Trod –> Select all single player missions from the
mission Menu.
Chaste Coed –> View the end video sequences.
Half Libel –> ???
Had A Nude On –> ???
Brass Clue –> ???
Mother Mourn Us –> ???
Rotted Drop –> ???
Horny Elk Leer –> ???
O’Sarge –> ???
Swiss Throat –> ???
A Mere Fart –> ???
A Scramble On –> ???

However, one of these codes enables the In-Game-Keys :

Actions: Results:

CTRL+I –> Activates Invinciblity
CTRL+Z –> Refills ammo
CTRL+F –> Destroy current target