PC Games

Starship Unlimited II – Divided Galaxies

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Cheat Codes are disabled in the demo:

Precede each of the key sequences by the ‘HOME’ key.
If successful, you will hear the cash register (or money)
sound. For example, to add a Killer Beam artifact to the
Focus Unit. Press the following key sequence:
‘HOME’ ‘H’ ‘K’ ‘B’ ‘A’.

When the ‘HOME’ key is initially pressed it will take
any letter you press as a possible cheat code. You can
cancel the cheat code request by reselecting the ‘HOME’
key. You may have to select it a 3rd time to end the
cheat code input mode.

The Target mentioned below is set by left-clicking over a
unit on the solar view. A small, flashing, white disk will
appear under/over the unit selected. Contrast this with
right-clicking over one of your units to make it the
Focus Unit.

HKBA Add Killer Beam Artifact to Target Unit
CKBA Add Killer Beam Artifact to Focus Unit
HPKA Add Planet Killer Artifact to Target Unit
CPKA Add Planet Killer Artifact to Focus Unit
HWA Add Wisdom Artifact to Target Unit
CWA Add Wisdom Artifact to Focus Unit
HMA Add Money Artifact to Target Unit
CMA Add Money Artifact to Focus Unit
HBGA Add Best Generator Artifact to Target Unit
CBGA Add Best Generator Artifact to Focus Unit
HBCA Add Best Computer Artifact to Target Unit
CBCA Add Best Computer Artifact to Focus Unit
HBDA Add Best Drive Artifact to Target Unit
CBDA Add Best Drive Artifact to Focus Unit
HIRA Add Instant Recharge Artifact to Target Unit
CIRA Add Instant Recharge Artifact to Focus Unit
HREA Add Relic Artifact to Target Unit
CREA Add Relic Artifact to Focus Unit
HSSA Add Starship Artifact to Target Unit
CSSA Add Starship Artifact to Focus Unit
HCRA Add Component Repair Artifact to Target Unit
CCRA Add Component Repair Artifact to Focus Unit
HFRA Add Finish Research Artifact to Target Unit
CFRA Add Finish Research Artifact to Focus Unit
HBSA Add Best Shields Artifact to Target Unit
CBSA Add Best Shields Artifact to Focus Unit
HBAA Add Best Armor Artifact to Target Unit
CBAA Add Best Armor Artifact to Focus Unit
HBFA Add Best Fighters Artifact to Target Unit
CBFA Add Best Fighters Artifact to Focus Unit
HMPA Add Maximum Population Artifact to Target Unit
CMPA Add Maximum Population Artifact to Focus Unit
HFDA Add Fold Drive Artifact to Target Unit
CFDA Add Fold Drive Artifact to Focus Unit
HRSA Add Ram Shields Artifact to Target Unit
CRSA Add Ram Shields Artifact to Focus Unit
HICA Add Instant Colony Artifact to Target Unit
CICA Add Instant Colony Artifact to Focus Unit
HISA Add Invincible Shields Artifact to Target Unit
CISA Add Invincible Shields Artifact to Focus Unit
HARA Add Advanced Research Artifact to Target Unit
CARA Add Advanced Research Artifact to Focus Unit
HMCE Add Maximum Combat Experience to Target Unit
CMCE Add Maximum Combat Experience to Focus Unit
CUPS Add Upsize Starship Artifact to Focus Unit