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Bigfalls: Leave level boundary:

When playing the Bigfalls level in Rambo mode, you can use a bow to get out of the level. Go to the left upper corner then to the left side. When you are there, jump and shoot the floor with flaming arrows. You will blast away from the original zone and nobody can kill you. You also can use an M79 to do the same thing.

Multiple guns:

When you start and when it is safe, switch to your SOCOM and drop it (default is F). It will be replaced with “hands”. Then, switch back to your primary weapon. Find and kill someone, then switch back to your hands. Then, walk around your opponent’s corpse. Most all the time, you can pick up their weapon. Sometimes the gun will fly quite a distance away from the corpse. If you can still see it, get it. You can now switch back and forth between weapons.

Bloody mode:

When you are in an battle, throw your weapon away, type /mercy and quickly press Q to change weapons. When you shoot, it will be with lots of blood.

Emotes (Unpatched Version):
Type one of the following codes during game play to activate the
corresponding emote.

Effect Code
Smoke a cigar /smoke
Urinate /piss
Choose weapon back /limbo
Suicide /mercy