PC Games

Homeworld 2

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Homeworld 2 is a groundbreaking real-time strategy game that takes players on an epic journey through space. Set in a distant future where humanity has colonized the stars, players must lead their fleet of ships to victory against powerful alien forces. The game features stunning graphics, immersive gameplay, and a gripping storyline that will keep players on the edge of their seats.

With a wide variety of ships to command, players can customize their fleet to suit their playstyle and strategy. From agile fighters to massive capital ships, each vessel brings its own strengths and weaknesses to the battlefield. As players progress through the game, they will unlock new technologies and upgrades to enhance their fleet and gain an edge over their enemies.

Homeworld 2 also offers a challenging single-player campaign that will test players’ tactical skills and decision-making abilities. With multiple missions to complete and a diverse range of objectives to achieve, players will need to think on their feet and adapt to changing circumstances to emerge victorious.

In addition to the single-player campaign, Homeworld 2 also features a robust multiplayer mode that allows players to compete against each other in intense battles for supremacy. Whether playing against friends or strangers online, players will need to use all of their strategic cunning and tactical prowess to outmaneuver and outgun their opponents.

Overall, Homeworld 2 is a must-play for fans of real-time strategy games and science fiction. With its engaging gameplay, stunning visuals, and immersive storyline, it offers an experience that is truly out of this world. So gather your fleet, set a course for adventure, and prepare for an epic journey through the stars in Homeworld 2.

Homeworld 2 Game Cheats, Tips, Codes, Hints and Tricks

Modify RU’s
Locate the file “persist*.lua” where the * is the mission number. The file is in the “Homeworld2BinProfilesProfileCampaignASCENSION” folder. Open the “persist*.lua” file with a text editor such as Notepad. Locate “RUs =” at the bottom of the file and change the value to whatever you like.

Modify Ships
Locate the file “persist*.lua” where the * is the mission number. The file is in the “Homeworld2BinProfilesProfileCampaignASCENSION” folder. Open the “persist*.lua” file with a text editor such as Notepad. Locate any string containing the string for your ships (Example: Hwr_Bomber). Edit this one with ex. Hwr_AssulteCorvette, and your former bomber is now a GunShip. You can do this with all your ships, the only thing you have to find out is what the diffrent ships are named.

Cheat mode:
Start the game with one of the following command line parameters
to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Command line parameter
1024×768 resolution /1024
1280×1024 resolution /1280
1600×1200 resolution /1600
640×480 Resolution /640
800×600 Resolution /800
Log AI player data in text files /aiplayerlog
All ships are boxier /boxes
Disable end-of-match text reports /captaincyLogOff
Enable text files after a battle /captaincyLogOn
Set path to CD drive /cdpath
Subtitled FMV sequences /closeCaptioned
16-bit colors /d16
24-bit colors /d24
36-bit colors /d36
Use Direct 3D /d3d
8-bit colors /d8
Debug mode /debug
Record packets and auto-saves frequently /debugsync
Play a demo /demoplay
Record a demo /demorecord
CPU players are more determined /determcompplayer
Use RGL device /device
Auto-skips all FMV sequences /disableAVI
Disable KNI /disableKatmai
Disable packed textures /disablePacking
Show docking lines /docklines
Use Direct Sound driver /dsound
Use KNI /forcekatmai
Play a LAN game with other versions /forceLAN
Press [F11] to toggle edge-of-screen pan /freemouse
Start game in full screen /fullscreen
Gather statistics /gatherstats
Force OpenGL /gl
Show the target line /gunlines
Set global memory size heap in MB /heap
Overrides BIG files; for mods /ignorebigfiles
Make an integer 3 when a sync. error occurs /intonsync
Light lines shown in debug mode /lightlines
Log data files loaded /logfileloads
Disable multiplayer logs /logOff
Enable text files after multi-player match /logOn
Enable verbose logging files /logonverbose
Disable wallpapers /niltextures
No backgrounds /noBG
Disable window borders /noborder
Eliminate all CPU players /noCompPlayers
Disable 3rd Mode error /nodebugInt
Disable front-end textures /NoFETextures
Disable bi-linear filters /noFilter
Disable hints from the SM /nohint
Disable [Alt] + [Tab] switching /noMinimise
Do not pause with “Alt + Tab or Windows” /noPause
Disable AI retreat tactics /noretreat
Ship will not show damage effects /noshowdamage
Disable polygon smoothing /noSmooth
Disable all voices /noSpeech
Overrides BIG files; for mods /overridebigfile
Play packet recordings /packetplay
Record packets during multi-playes skirmishes /packetrecord
Set path to open files /prepath
Reverse stereo channels /reversestereo
Enable slow screen blips /slowblits
Press [Home] to focus camera at map center /smCentreCamera
Enable stats text files /statlogon
Stipples renderer alpha /stipple
Reset renderers to default /sw
NIS testing /testNIS
NIS testing using the SCRIPT files /testnisscript
Feedback stored in text file in the
main directory /textfeedback
Use 24-bit color with sharper rendering /truecolour
Output converted to .WAV /waveout
Start game in window /window