PC Games

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

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Defeating Malichia
Lure him under the two spike gates. Release them when he slithers under it. Lure him into the center cage, jump out, run to where he sarted from, and roll the lever. No more Malichia. Deafeating Dumah
Pull the three stakes out of him to bring him back to life. Lure him into the furnace room slowly, if you move too fast, he will return to his room. Turn on the gas and hit the switch after he is in the furnace room. Hehe…toast. Defeating Zephon
Bring a torch with you. Run up to his bell, and swipe at the hole. He will attack with his leg and get it stuck, hit his leg. Strike the egg hole to cause more damage. Any time he gets a leg stuck, hit it with the torch. If you hit the egg sack, he will die. You get the scaling walls ability. Defeating Rahab
Shoot out the windows. Use the force blast. After he dies, you gain the swimming ability. Defeating Kain
Wait for him to materialize, then hit him. He will appear behind you almost every time. You get Soul Reaver when he is finished. Defeating Kain
You need Soul Reaver to do damge. The spit forge refills your health. After you hit him, he will go to the next tier, keep hitting him…..until the last tier, one more hit and he’s done for.

Cheat mode:
Press “Esc” and enter one of the following codes to activate the
corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Refill health 364141
Upgrade health to next level 271543
Maximum health 263434
Refill magic 221523
Maximum magic 5232451
Hurt Raziel 16443
Pass through barriers 3661254
Wall climbing 538243
Force projectile 126121
Swim ability 4632614
Constrict ability 34226443
Soul Reaver 35822331532
Fire Reaver 342431623
Make Fire Reaver 52364
Aerial Reaver 724451124
Kain Reaver 76251124
Shift at any time 4432216213
Force Glyph 31534
Sound Glyph 2236443
Stone Glyph 3641322
Water Glyph 36432
Fire Glyph 4424582
Sunlight Glyph 16122441
Toggle active cheats 1324