PC Games

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2

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Embark on a dark and twisted journey in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 for PC. This action-adventure game takes players on a quest for vengeance as they control the vampire-turned-wraith Raziel. Set in a gothic world filled with treacherous enemies and mind-bending puzzles, Soul Reaver 2 challenges players to navigate through intricate levels and unravel a complex narrative.

With its stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, Soul Reaver 2 transports players to a hauntingly beautiful world where they must confront their own inner demons and make difficult choices that will shape the fate of their character. As Raziel seeks to uncover the truth behind his own existence and the betrayal that led to his transformation, players will be drawn into a gripping story filled with twists and turns.

Featuring intense combat, intricate level design, and a deep, engaging storyline, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 offers a truly unforgettable gaming experience for fans of dark fantasy and action-adventure games. Prepare to be captivated by its atmospheric world and compelling narrative as you embark on a quest for redemption and revenge in this unforgettable PC game.

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 Game Cheats, Tips, Codes, Hints and Tricks

While playing a game, press [Enter] [Left] [Left] [Up] [Down] [Right] [Action]. If you entered the code correctly, Raziel will speak. To disable this effect, press [Enter] [Right] [Right] [Down] [Up] [Left] [Action].

Go through locked door to real Soulreaver
After the intermission sequence when Raziel gets the Soulreaver and he gets controlled by it, Mobius will close the door. Defeat everyone down where you had to turn to the different world, then go in the middle of the lock to go through.

Defeating demons
To defeat demons faster, stand in a doorway and fire projectiles at them then feed on their souls. This works best if they hit a wall as you fire.

Defeating Faustus
Keep blocking and sidestepping his attacks while finding open spots for attack until you get about one quarter of his life down. Then, he will run off and enter a room will large heaters and mist around them. When Faustus jumps on to a heater, proceed towards the beginning of the mist trail that leads to the heater and pull the switch to hurt him. Keep repeating this procedure until he jumps up on to a chain, then run to a corner of the room and stay there until Faustus jumps down . He will now try to jump and kick you from far away. If you sidestep his attack, he will hit the wall and will be vulnerable for a few seconds. Keep repeating this until he is dead.

Press [Enter] [Left] [Left] [Up] [Down] [Right] [Action]. Raziel will speak to
confirm correct code entry. To disable this effect, press [Enter] [Right]
[Right] [Down] [Up] [Left] [Action].