PC Games

Warlord 3

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Code – Result

just for grant – All Units Become Tanks
hiho hiho – Production Time of All Cities Set to 1
purple heart – All Units Receive Medals
king of the castle – All Cities Become Citadels
dragon rush – All Units Become Dragons
run spot run 99 – Movement for All Units
there can be only one 100 – Experience for Selected Hero
but now i can see – Full Map
not easy being green – Water Turns Green
if i were a rich man – 10000 Money
show me the mana – 20 Mana
burn baby burn – Burn Down All Sites
i am lazy – Conquer All Cities
name that tune – New Background Music
lord of the mana – Cities Without Mana Get 1 Per Turn
free free free – Unknown Effect
target practice – Unknown Effect
learn spell – Unknown Effect

Press F8, type code, then press [Enter]: