Game Boy Advance

Urbz, The : Sims In The City

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Special Items

These Items can only be found if your pad is good enough for these folks. This Unlockable is not done

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Golden Mop AwardImpress Kris Thistle with a Streeties ‘lookin pad
Magic LampImpress Crystal with a Streeties ‘lookin pad
Uncle Suede Shizzles CaneImpress Darius with a Streeties ‘lookin pad

Rep Rooms

Unlockable Rep Rooms:

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Artsies Rep RoomGet the tenth Artsies rep point
Nerdies Rep RoomGet the tenth Nerdies rep point
RichiesGet the tenth Richies rep point
Streeties Rep RoomGet the tenth Streeties rep point

More time in Comic Explosion mini game

To earn more time in the Comic Explosion mini game, when the time is up and there is a flower grab the the flower when the time is up if you do this right you should have 23H 59M on then timer.

Opens Club Xizzle

Enter “BUCKET” when prompted to at the entrance of the club.

Change the color of your items

Whenever you approach an item and an arrow appears on it, press R and it will change color! Doen’t work with some items though.

Unlock MoonBase Without Another Copy of the Game

Take two gameboyadvances and use a link cable to connect them. In one gameboy, put Urbz. In the other, put in the Sims Bustin out. Turn on both games and go to the multiplayer screen located in each game. Once it says it is unlocked on the screen, turn off the game and turn it back on and it should be ready to use.

Unlock Secret Dens

You can unlock certain areas (dens) in which you can store items.

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Cinema Booth (Left door in the Cinema)Reach top relationship with Theresa Bullhorn
Garbage Can (Left of King Tower)Reach top relationship with Phoebe Twiddle
School Bus (South of Thrift Shop)Reach top relationship with Giuseppi Mezzoalto
Sea Cave (North of Bumper Cars Minigame)Reach top relationship with Ewan Watahmee