Nintendo GameCube

Super Smash Bros. Melee

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Play as Dr. Mario
Successfully complete classic mode with Mario without losing a life to unlock Dr. Mario. Alternately, play 100 versus mode matches. The winner of the 100th match will fight Dr. Mario. Defeat him and he will become a playable character.

Play as Falco Lombardi
Complete the 100 man melee to unlock Falco Lombardi.

Play as Gannondorf
Defeat Gannondorf in Event #29 to unlock him as a playable character.

Play as Jigglypuff (Purin)
Successfully complete adventure mode on any difficulty setting to unlock Jigglypuff (Purin).

Play as Luigi
Complete the first stage of adventure mode with a time of xx:x2:xx. You will have to battle Luigi and defeat him in under one minute. Finish the remainder of adventure mode. At the end of adventure mode you will fight Luigi. Defeat Luigi and he will become a playable character. Alternately, play adventure mode with Princess Zelda/Sheik. At Princess Peach’s castle, Luigi will take Mario’s place in the opening intermission. Win this board. Proceed to win adventure mode with Zelda. Luigi will attack again after the credits complete. Defeat him again to unlock him. Lives, continues, and difficulty settings do not matter.

Play as Mr. Game & Watch
Successfully complete classic mode with all other 24 characters or complete target test mode with all other 24 characters to unlock Mr. Game & Watch.

Play as Pichu
Accomplish one of the following to unlock Pichu:

Unlock both Luigi and Falco.
Complete event mode #37. After winning, Pichu will become playable.
Complete adventure or classic mode as Mewtwo.
Play 200 matches in versus mode.

Play as Roy
Successfully complete classic mode with Prince Marth on any difficulty setting without losing a life to unlock Roy.

Play as Young Link
Successfully complete classic mode ten times. One time must be with Link, and another time must be with Zelda to unlock Young Link. Alternately, complete adventure mode with Ganondorf.

Unlock Marth
Use all of the original characters once in VS, Classic or Adventure mode. Beat Marth to unlock him.

Bonus mario stage
Successfully complete classic mode with Princess Peach on any difficulty setting without losing a life to unlock a classic stage from Super Mario Bros. 2.

Unlock Mewtwo
To unlock Mewtwo you must either complete 700 FULL VS. matches or play 20 hours of VS. mode. It should be noted that the time required is divided by the number of human-controlled characters playing. For example, if you have 3 human-controlled characters playing, 20/3 = 6.666… which is approximately 6 hours and 36 minutes. You also must have at least one human-controlled character since math dictates that 20/0 = undefined.

Extra events
Unlock Falco and Luigi to unlock events 30-39 in event mode. Unlock all hidden characters to unlock events 40-50 in event mode.

Unlock Planet Zebes: Brinstar Depths
Play 50 VS matches.

Eagleland: Fourside
Play 100 VS matches.

F-Zero Grand Prix: Big Blue
Play 150 VS matches.

Kanto Skies: Poké Floats
Play 200 VS matches.

Mushroom Kingdom II
Get Birdo or Pidgit trophy from Super Mario Bros. 2.

Superflat World: Flat Zone
Unlock Mr. Game & Watch and defeat Classic mode with him.

Beat All-Star Mode with any character.

Final Destination
Clear all 51 Event Matches.

Dream Land
Beat Target Test with all 25 characters.

Yoshi’s Island
Hit at least 1,323 feet in the Homerun Contest with Yoshi.

Kongo Jungle
Finish 15-minute Melee with any character