PC Games

Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force

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Step into the shoes of a member of the elite Starfleet Hazard Team in Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force. This action-packed first-person shooter game takes you on a thrilling journey through the depths of space as you battle against dangerous alien enemies. With stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, you’ll feel like you’re right in the heart of the action aboard the USS Voyager. Take on missions, explore new worlds, and test your skills in intense combat scenarios. Are you ready to boldly go where no one has gone before? Join the Elite Force and prove yourself as a true hero in the Star Trek universe.

Star Trek: Voyager – Elite Force Game Cheats, Tips, Codes, Hints and Tricks

Cheat :

Cheat mode:Press ` to display the console, then type sv_cheats1 to enable cheat mode. Then enter one of the following codes at the console to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Cheats cannot be enabled in multi-player mode. Effect Code Toggle God mode god 999 health and armor undying No clipping noclip Invisibility notarget Get indicated item give All weapons give weapons Third person view enabled cg_thirdperson 1 Third person view disabled cg_thirdperson 0 Set third person view range cg_thirdpersonrange Level select map Hidden intermission sequence map _brig Enable cheats for level (on server) devmap Enable constant multi-player taunts +button3 Disable constant multi-player taunts -button3 Set name color ^ Set field of view; default is 80 cg_fov Change name name Change character model model Item names:Use one of the following entries with the give code to get the corresponding item. Note: Some weapons have not been assigned to a graphics file and may crash the game.PhaserTetryon DisruptorCompression RifleScavenger RifleIMOD (infinity modulator)TricorderHealthAmmoWeaponsStasis WeaponGrenade LauncherPhoton BurstDreadnought WeaponArmorBorg weaponBot welderBot laserBot rocketForge projForge psychParasiteStasis attackKlingon bladeDesperado weaponPaladin bladeAll Map names:Use one of the following entries with the map code to advance to the corresponding level. Level Map name The Rescue borg1 Incursion borg2 Tactical Decision holodeck Condition voy1 Unavoidable Delays voy2 Hazard Duty voy3 Defense voy4 Hazard Ops voy5 Data Retrieval stasis1 Deep Echoes stasis2 Encounters stasis3 Renewal voy6 Union voy7 Departure voy8 The Visit scav1 Dangerous Ground scav2 Conflicting Views scav3 Conflicting Views – Part 2 scav3b Disorder scav4 Infiltration scav5 The Hunter scavboss Fallout voy9 Proving Ground borg3 Information borg4 Covenant borg5 Infestation borg6 R and R voy13 Visual Confirmation voy14 Offense voy15 The Breach dn1 Command dn2 Primary Encounter dn3 The Skirmish dn4 Defensive Measures dn5 Transit train Attunement dn6 Array dn8 Invasion voy16 Decisions voy17 External Stimuli forge1 Matrix forge2 Onslaught forge3 Visual Magnitude forge4 Dissolution forge5 Command Decision forgeboss Epilogue voy20 Color numbers:Use one of the following entries with the ^ code.Color Number Red 1 Green 2 Yellow 3 Blue 4 Cyan 5 Pink 6 White 7 Black 8

Cheat mode:
Press “`” to display the console, then type “sp_cheats 1” to enable
cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes at the console
window to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Toggle God mode god
999 health and armor undying
No clipping n oclip
Invisibility notarget
Get indicated item give
All weapons give weapons
All weapons, weapon power, health give all
Third person view enabled cg_thirdperson 1
Third person view disabled cg_thirdperson 0
Set third person view range cg_thirdpersonrange
Level select map
Hidden intermission sequence map _brig
Enable cheats for level (on server) devmap
Enable constant multi-player taunts +button3
Disable constant multi-player taunts -button3
Set name color ^
Set field of view; default is 80 cg_fov
Change name name
Change character model model
Spawn indicated character npc spawn
Kill indicated character npc kill
Kill all NPCs in current level npc kill all
Show current position in x y z
(rotation) format viewpos
Set current position setviewpos
Show current gravity setting g_gravity
Set gravity; default is 800 g_gravity
Views ending credits ui_closingcredits
List FMV sequences dir video
Plays indicated FMV sequence cinematic
Bind keys; for example: bind F12 map bind
Set health; default is 100, 200 in
easy mode give health
Set armor; default is 100, 200 in
easy mode give armor
Get weapon give weaponnum
Suicide kill
Restart video engine vid_restart
Set brightness; 1.0 is default r_gamma
Display additional information when
scanning give tricorder
Quits game quit
Deactivate cheat mode sv_cheats 0