
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

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Mercenary mode:
Successfully complete the game one time to unlock mercenary mode
and save the “Next Game” file. Start a new game, choose that saved
game, then select mercenary mode. This mode involves controlling
Carlos, Mikhal, or Nikoli from the train to the starting room with
a two minute timer. Killing the various opponents and rescuing
civilians during the journey will add more time to the clock. A
rank and money will be awarded after the game is completed. The
money can be used to purchase better weapons for the next mercenary
mode game.

Boutique key:
Successfully complete the game one time and wait for the credits to
end. You will receive the key to the Boutique on the first street at
the start of the game. Use the key to enter and change into an
alternate costume.

Alternate costumes:
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting
with any rank better than F to unlock Jill’s costume from the
original Resident Evil and Regina’s costume from Dino Crisis. To
unlock three additional costumes, successfully complete the game
under the hard difficulty setting with a rank of A. This will
unlock police miniskirt, disco, and biker costumes.

Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting to
unlock Epilogues. Epilogues are a short diary description of each
character in the entire Resident Evil series which describes what
happened with that specific person after their adventure. Getting
better ratings can unlock the other epilogues. There are eight
total Epilogues that can be unlocked.

Jill’s diary:
To get Jill’s Diary (a file), collect all thirty files in the game
in order. Then the first file (Instructions Manual, blue) will
become Jill’s Diary.

Barry Burton ending:
The only way to see Barry is if ending B is unlocked. To get this
ending the following two points must be done:

The Trolley: Jump out the window.
Fighting Nemesis Type B on the bridge: Jump off.

After the jump off decision, the final area of the game will take a
somewhat different path. You will have to fight off Nicholai in a
chopper. It is recommended that you bring a Magnum and Grenade
Launcher (or Rocket Launcher if it has been found). You can also
choose to negotiate with him.

Enhanced Weapons/Ammo:
When creating ammo with the reloading tool, save enough gunpowder to
mix up the same type of ammo eight times. On the eighth time, the
game will prompt “Do you want to create the enhanced ammo?”. Select
“Yes”. This ammo is more powerful, may have slightly different
effects, and once loaded into a weapon will change it into an
“enhanced weapon”. Once you have loaded a weapon with enhanced ammo,
do not reload it with regular ammo. You can only create two types
of enhanced ammo: 9mm handgun bullets and shot gun shells. Also, do
not combine enhanced ammo with regular ammo.

Make your own shotgun:
In order to make a shotgun you must have gunpowder BBB, grenade
rounds, and the mixing tool. Mix gunpowder BBB with the grenade
rounds to make shotgun parts. Next, mix the shotgun parts with the
mixing tool to make the shotgun.

Mixing gun powder:
Mix each kind of gun powder with the reloading tool to make ammunition.

Gun powder Ammunition

A 15 hand gun bullets
AA 35 hand gun bullets
AAA 55 hand gun bullets
AAB 20 shot gun shells
AC 10 flame rounds
B 7 shot gun shells
BB 18 shot gun shells
BBA 60 hand gun bullets
BBB 30 shot gun shells
BC 10 acid rounds
C 10 grenade gun bullets
CC 10 freeze rounds
CCC 24 magnum bullets
Standard Grenade rounds + A Flame rounds
Standard Grenade rounds + B Acid rounds
Standard Grenade rounds + C Freeze rounds

The three jewels in the clock tower:
When you enter the room in the clock tower with the three statues
holding trays, take the obsidian, crystal, and amber jewels from
them. There are three clocks on the wall besides the two dead
bodies. Going from left to right, place the amber jewel in the
first tray, the obsidian jewel in the middle tray, and the crystal
jewel in the third tray. The middle clock will open and you will
get a gold gear. Combine it with the silver gear and place it in
the slot on the third floor.

When you enter the room with the three clocks, walk up to the three
statues and take each of the three balls from them. From left to
right, set the obsidian, the crystal, and the amber ball in the
three clocks. You will get the gold gear. Combine it with the
silver gear and you will get the Chronos gear.

Starting the trolley:
The oil additive needed to start the trolley is located in a locked
store room inside the sales office. To unlock it, pick up the flashy
remote on a desk to turn on a TV. You will see a commercial about
some product from Ubrella Corp. Make note of that product (Safsprin,
Adravil, Aquacure, etc.). Go to the nearby computer where Carlos
just shot his zombied friend. You will be prompted for a password.
Type in the name of the product to unlocked the storeroom.

Police locker combination:
When entering the Police Station and going into the door in the top
left corner you will reach a room with zombies. After killing them,
enter the next room, which contains the lockers. Once there, go to
the other side to find a locker with a light on it. The game will
prompt for a code. The code is “0131”, “0513”, “4312”, or “0114”.

Capcom made Resident Evil 3 hard to cheat by making the
combinations for the lockers and locations of items in different
numbers and locations. Do things differently in each game and you
will get a different game each time it is played.

Medical locker combination:
To get the combination to the medical locker in the hospital, go to
the room next to that room. Check the dead body in the corner to
find one of the following combinations: “513”, “101”, “498”, or

Fighting Nemesis:
The Nemesis is left-handed and uses that hand to grab you. When
fighting him, shoot him two times and run past his right side.
Shoot twice and repeat the process. Note: This only works when he
does not have his rocket launcher.

Grenade launcher:
Use the S.T.A.R.S Card in the computer in the main entrance of the
Police Station. When you get the S.T.A.R.S Emblem Key, go to the
S.T.A.R.S Office. When you are in the office, go to the big locker
next to the out-of-commission message receiver. Open the locker and
you will get a Grenade Launcher.

Some people may find the Magnum in the big locker. In this
situation, the Grenade Launcher may be found in the Sub-Station.

There are two different ways to get the Grenade launcher. There is
one in the Sub-Station when the game is first played. The other is
available after the game has been completed once. Go to the
S.T.A.R.S. office and go were the Magnum gun was originally

Rocket launcher:
In the dead factory, go to the machine next to the water sampler
puzzle. Use the facility key where that game states a small plastic
card can be inserted. Take the other facility key that is given and
go to the steaming room where the small card activated elevator is
located .Go down and use the facility key on the door where that
game states a small plastic card can be inserted. You will find a
rocket launcher with four shots at this location.

Go directly to the Evidence Room in the Police Station. Go to the
number-based lock with the S.T.A.R.S Emblem Key. Use one of the
following three passwords: “0131”, “4011”, or “4312”. You will
receive the Emblem Key. Go to the locker in the S.T.A.R.S Office.
Open the locker to get a Magnum.

Mine Thrower with tracking, enhanced shots:
Either get $9999 in Mercenary mode and buy unlimited ammunition or
use the infinite ammo kit obtained from Nemesis on the Mine
Thrower. The Mine Thrower will have tracking bullets which will
show the directions to the zombies.

Water combination code:
At the water sample machine near the dead factory, enter “1 Right”
for A, “3 Right” for B, and “4 Left” for C. That should unlock half
of the lock to the door next to the elevator.

Music Box code:
One of the codes for the music box in the top or the tower is Down,
Up, Up, Down, Down, Up.

Vaccine medium combination:
One of the combinations when making the vaccine medium in the
hospital is 2 and B.

Saving ammo and health:
You can save ammunition when fighting zombies by waiting until they
are right in front of you. Then, aim upward and shoot. If done
correctly, your shot will blow their head off, even with a handgun.
In some rooms there are barrels or red small boxes on the wall. Wait
until the monsters in that room are next to those objects before
shooting the barrels or boxes to blow them all to pieces. When
fighting spiders, shoot them when they are on the wall or ceiling to
drop them to the floor. Then, run behind them and then start
shooting. The best way to get past brainsuckers is to just run past
them. When fighting the dogs, just shoot them. When they jump at
you, dodge them by pressing X When fighting hunters, shoot them,
and when they jump, run under them. When fighting Nemisis, start
shooting him and when he tries to grab you, run. Repeat until he
bleeds purple liquid from his tentacles.

Unlimited money and time in mercenaries mode:
Get to the alley that has three dogs and a crate. Kill two of the
dogs get on the crate. Continuously dodge the remaining dog for a
time and money bonus for dodging.

Checking zombies:
To tell if zombies are still active after they are cut in half,
leave the room. If the zombie is still on the floor, he is still

Walk back and forth in front of their head or enable the auto aim
feature and press Aim.

Run on one foot:
When running, quickly and repeatedly tap Square. Jill will run on
one foot, and her other foot will never touch the ground.

Glitch: Ladder scene:
When you are in the park with a cemetery and find the park key, a
giant worm/snake appears from under the ground. After killing it,
the only way out is to climb a fence. When you climb the fence, the
game shows your character going up a ladder.

The three jewels in the clock tower:
When you enter the room in the clock tower with the three statues
holding trays, take the obsidian, crystal, and amber jewels from
them. There are three clocks on the wall besides the two dead
bodies. Going from left to right, place the amber jewel in the
first tray, the obsidian jewel in the middle tray, and the crystal
jewel in the third tray. The middle clock will open and you will
get a gold gear. Combine it with the silver gear and place it in
the slot on the third floor.

Easiest way to get all epilogues:
first complete the game as quickly as possible don’t fight the
nemesis just RUN for the exit once you have completed it you will
get an epilogue two or three costume and more importantly the
mercenaries game then use mihail to get unilimted ammo assault
rifle and the rocket have some fun and just work your
way through with that lot you can kill the nemesis in two hits
(anyone of his mutations apart from the last one!!!!) then it will
take time but it will be extremely easy.