PC Games

Red Faction II

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Teammate Shield
On the levels with either Tangier or Repta you can use them by walking into them to push them towards the enemies. They cannot be killed by the enemies.

Bonus Movies
You get bonus movies by completing stages.

Wacky Deaths Mode
At the cheats menu enter WWWWWWWW.

Show cheats list
Enter YZWZYXWX or WWXXYZYZ at the cheats menu.

Explosive Mode
At the cheats menu enter: X

Bouncing Bombs Mode
At the cheats menu enter: ZZZZZZZZ

Rain Of Fire Mode
At the cheats menu enter: YYYYYYYY

Unlock levels
At the cheat menu enter: ZYXWYZXX

Extra Chunky Mode
At the cheats menu enter: ZZZZWXZZ

Rapid Rail Mode
At the cheats menu enter: ZYZYXXWW

Gibbed Explosion Mode
At the cheats menu enter: WZXYWZXY

Gibbed Ammo Mode
At the cheats menu enter XXXXYZXX

Finish Game
At the cheats menu enter: YXYX

Walking Dead Mode
At the cheats menu enter XXXXXXXX.

Directors Cut Mode
At the cheats menu enter YXZWZXYW

All Weapons
At the cheat menu enter: Y

Restore Health
At the cheat menu enter: XXYWYWZ

Unlimited Grenades
At the cheat menu type ZXZYXZXZ.