Game Boy Advance

King Of Fighters EX2, The : Howling Blood

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Maximum difficulty

Get to Master Orochi rank with Kyo, Reiji, and Moe.

Shortcut to Player Select menu

Get to Master Orochi rank with Ryo, Yuri, and Takuma.

Alternate ending

Successfully complete the game with Kyo, Iori, and Reiji on the same team. To see a different ending, successfully complete the game with Moe, Miu, and Jun at Master Orochi rank as a team.

Story mode toggle

Get to Master Orochi rank with Iori, Jun, and Miu.

Time Attack mode

Get to Master Orochi rank with 18 characters.

Fight as powered Sinobu

Get to Master Orochi rank with the Sinobu.

Fight as Sinobu

Get to Master Orochi rank for all 27 characters.