PC Games

Hearts of Iron 2

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Hearts of Iron 2 is a captivating PC game that immerses players in the intense and strategic world of World War II. As a player, you take on the role of a leader of a nation and must navigate through the complex political landscape of the era. From managing resources and diplomacy to leading your military forces into battle, every decision you make will have a lasting impact on the outcome of the war.

With its detailed historical accuracy and challenging gameplay, Hearts of Iron 2 offers a truly immersive experience for strategy enthusiasts. The game features a wide range of scenarios and campaigns, allowing players to rewrite history and shape the course of the war in their own way.

Whether you’re a history buff or a strategy game enthusiast, Hearts of Iron 2 is sure to provide hours of entertainment and excitement. So gather your forces, forge alliances, and lead your nation to victory in this epic World War II simulation game.

Hearts of Iron 2 Game Cheats, Tips, Codes, Hints and Tricks

Cheat mode

Hit [F12] and enter cheat:

dissent = Gives plenty of dissent
supplies = Gives plenty of supplies
transports = Gives plenty of transports
escorts = Gives plenty of escorts
robespierre = You can now do any reform you like
nuke = Gives a nuclear bomb
energy = Gives plenty of energy
metal = Gives plenty of Metal
rubber = Gives plenty of rubber
money = Gives plenty of money
oil = Gives plenty of oil
neville = AI gives into any demands desired

The cheats below has two functions. Type it in once and you will getthe cheat, type it in again and you have it turned off.

manpower = God mode on/off
difrules = CPU skill on/off
nowar = War on/off
norevolts = Rebels on/off
nolimit = Troop limits on/off
nofog = Fog on/off
handsoff = Hands on/off
showxy = Coordinates on/off
showid = Province ID’s on/off
fullcontrol = AI on/off
event 1002 = Supply Resources +200
event 1014 = Dissent +1 or -1
event 1009 = Dissent -3
event 4100 = Dissent -30
event 1008 = Dissent +3; Supply -350
event 1010 = IC -1
event 1006 = IC +6
event 1110 = War Support +5
event 1003 = Manpower+100
event 1007 = Manpower +30
event 1001 = Random leader Loyalty -4
event 2024 = Truce with Russia (discontent agree -50%; disagree +15%)
event 1000 = Sabotage Research
event 2011 = Get Czechoslovakia before Germany takes it

Cheat mode:
Press “F12” then enter one of the following cheat functions.

Effect Code
Extra dissent dissent
Extra supplies supplies
Extra transports transports
Extra escorts escorts
Do any reform desired robespierre
Nuclear bomb nuke
Extra energy energy
Extra metal metal
Extra rubber rubber
Extra money money
Extra oil oil
AI gives into any demands desired neville
Toggle God mode manpower
Toggle CPU skill difrules
Toggle war nowar
Toggle rebels norevolts
Toggle troop limits nolimit
Toggle fog nofog
Toggle hands handsoff
Toggle coordinates showxy
Toggle Province IDs showid
Toggle AI fullcontrol
Aliens attack indicated province alienattack
Coup in Japan event 1
Yugoslavia breaks the Pact of Steel event 3
Option for war against Yugoslavia event 4
Option of war against Yugoslavia event 5
Coup in Yugoslavia +option for
Yugoslavia to join Axis or not event 6
Iraq switches sides to Allies event 7
Iraq switches sides to Allies event 8
Agreement with USSR on Tannu Tuva event 11
As USSR: Annex Tannu Tuva event 12
London in Axis hands: UK surrenders
to Axis event 13
Washington in Axis hands: USA
surrenders to Axis event 14
Washington in Japanese hands: USA
surrenders to Japan event 15
As Japan: Option to attack Pearl
Harbor or not event 17
As Japan: Option to attack Pearl
Harbor or not event 18
Marco Polo incident: Japan in war
with Nat. China event 20
Japan in war with USSR event 22
USA transfers 50 destroyers to UK
and USA gets Caribbean Islands event 30
As Italy: Option to surrender to
Allies or keep on fighting until the end event 36
Italy surrenders to USA and Italy
becomes puppet of USA event 37
Germany surrenders to USSR event 38
Germany surrenders to USA + creation
of bufferstates event 42
As Japan: Surrender to Allies or keep
fighting untill the end event 43
Japan surrenders to USA event 45
Independant Korea or not event 46
Devide Korea into 2 parts event 47
As Germany: End of the Vichy Regime event 50
As UK: Churchill as prime minister
or not event 65
World War 3: War against USSR event 69
World War 3: War against USA event 70
Anti-Comintern Pact event 71
Tripartite Pact event 72
Tripartite Pact event 74
Warshaw uprising event 77
Warshaw uprising: Aid Poland or not event 78
Sabotage Research event 1000
Random leader Loyalty -4 event 1001
Supply Resources +200 event 1002
Manpower+100 event 1003
IC +6 event 1006
Manpower +30 event 1007
Dissent +3; Supply -350 event 1008
Dissent -3 event 1009
IC -1 event 1010
Dissent +1 or -1 event 1014
War Support +5 event 1110
Get Czechoslovakia before Germany
takes it event 2011
Truce with Russia
(discontent agree -50%; disagree +15%) event 2024
Dissent -30 event 4100