California Speed

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Adjust fog color:
Select a non-series race. Hold L + R + C-Up + C-Down + C-Left + C-Right
+ Down when the screen fades and wait until the track selection screen
has fully appeared. Then, press Right until an option to adjust the fog
color appears.

Change screen position:
Hold L + R + Start on controller two and move the Analog-stick on that
controller during a single player race.

Five-O car:
Successfully complete the Sport Series.

Predator car:
Use the Five-Oh car to successfully complete the Sport Series.

Mano car:
Use the Predator car to successfully complete the Sport Series.

Semi truck:
Successfully complete the Do The State mode.

Dozer truck:
Use the Semi truck to successfully complete the California Cup.

Squirrel car:
Successfully complete the Light Series.

Insect car:
Use the Squirrel car to successfully complete the Light Series.

Forklift car:
Use the Insect car to successfully complete the Light Series.

Mountain Dew pickup:
Successfully complete the Heavy Series.

OL’ truck:
Use the Mountain Dew pickup to successfully complete the Heavy Series.

Camper truck:
Use the OL’ truck to successfully complete the Heavy Series.

Clover track:
Successfully complete the Sport Series week two.

Mt. Fuji track:
Successfully complete the Sport Series week three.

Oval track:
Successfully complete the Heavy Series week two.

San Andreas track:
Successfully complete the Heavy Series week three.

California track:
Successfully complete the California Cup week five.

Mirrored series tracks:
Select practice mode and choose the mirrored version of any track. Once on
the track, exit and begin a race in series mode. The series track will be
the mirrored version.

810AD586 0001 Always Have Fog Adjust Option
81168F8C FFFF Have All Tracks
80151C01 0000 Always Place 1st

D013435F 0020 Press L To Refill The Timer
810EC8F8 4020

D013435F 0010 Press R For Nitrous Boost
8112BD0C 43CB

Have Car In All Modes

800AAE5B 0001 Sportster
800AAE5F 0001 Muscle
800AAE63 0001 486SE
800AAE67 0001 Predator
800AAE6B 0001 Mano
800AAE6F 0001 Five Oh
800AAE73 0001 Mt. Dew
800AAE77 0001 Hopper
800AAE7B 0001 Fairchild
800AAE7F 0001 Insect
800AAE83 0001 Mercado
800AAE87 0001 Golf Cart
800AAE8B 0001 Squirrel
800AAE8F 0001 Forklift
800AAE93 0001 Convertible
800AAE97 0001 Sled
800AAE9B 0001 Baja
800AAE9F 0001 Ol’ Truck
800AAEA3 0001 Camper
800AAEA7 0001 Semi
800AAEAB 0001 Dozer
80151C01 0000 Always Place 1st