Xbox 360

Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII

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Cheat mode

Press [Insert] [Insert] Delete] [Insert] [Delete] [Insert] [Delete] to unlock the “Cheat” option at the pause menu.

trigger_damageDamage increased
cheat_victoryMission skip

God mode:

Pause game play, then hold LT and quickly press X, Y(2), X. Then hold RT and quickly press Y, X(2), Y.

Increased damage by weapons:

Pause game play, then hold LT and quickly press LB(2), RB. Then hold RT and quickly press RB(2), LB.

All campaign missions and planes:

Hold LT + RT and quickly press X, LB, RB, Y(2), RB, LB, X at the main menu.

Vampire MK1:

Unlock the Vampire during game play. Then, hold LT + RT and press LB(2), Y(2), X, LB at the main menu.