Game Boy Advance

Sonic The Hedgehog Genesis

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Game Unlockables

Sonic The Hedgehog Genesis unlockables:

Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Background music in JukeboxComplete the game without all the Chaos Emeralds.
JukeboxSuccessfully complete the Final Zone.
Sound effects in the JukeboxComplete the game with all six Chaos Emeralds.

Finish any level in little time

When you hit a Lamppost Checkpoint in any level that is closest to the finish, pause game play then quit. Once you are back at the title screen, select the “Restart” option that is on top of the “Original Mode” option. You will be automatically sent to that checkpoint and the timer will be reset to zero. If you get to the finish in under 15 seconds, your time bonus will be 50,000. Note: This is best used in Green Hill Zone: Act 1. When you hit the checkpoint that is just before the “S” shaped swirl, quit then restart. With the Spin Dash (Anniversary mode only), and the game’s bad physics, you might be able to finish the level in under eleven seconds.