PC Games

Soldier of Fortune 2 : Double Helix

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Cheat mode

During gameplay, press ~ for the console window and type ‘sv_cheats 1’ to
enable cheat mode. Now type any of the following “Codes”:

god – God Mode
noclip – No Clipping
give all – All Weapons and Ammo
give (item) – Spawn (item)
give armor – Armor
give ammo – Full Ammo
give health – Health
give stamina – Stamina
pinkspider – Unlimited Power
notarget – Disable Enemy AI
nofatigue – Never Get Tired
cmdlist – List Console Commands
mapname – Display Current Map Name
dir maps – List Maps
map (level_name) – Advance to (level_name)
raven 1 – Level Select Icon on Main Menu
g_gravity # – Change Gravity to # (0-800, 800 is default)
g_speed # – change Movement Rate to #
name (text) – Change Player’s Name
toggle r_fullscreen – Toggle Windowed and Full Screen
serverinfo – Show Current Server Settings
reconnect – Reconnect to Last Server
kill – Suicide
quit – Exit Game