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Shadowgrounds is a heart-pounding, adrenaline-fueled action game that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Set in a dark and foreboding sci-fi world, you must navigate through hordes of terrifying alien creatures using an arsenal of powerful weapons and high-tech gadgets.

As you progress through the game, you will uncover a gripping story filled with twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end. The graphics are stunning, with detailed environments and realistic lighting effects that bring the world of Shadowgrounds to life like never before.

But it’s not just about the visuals – the gameplay is where Shadowgrounds truly shines. With intuitive controls and fast-paced combat, you’ll be constantly on the move, dodging enemy attacks and unleashing devastating firepower on anything that stands in your way.

Whether you’re a seasoned gamer looking for a challenge or a casual player looking for some intense action, Shadowgrounds has something for everyone. So gear up, lock and load, and get ready to dive into the thrilling world of Shadowgrounds – if you dare.

Shadowgrounds Game Cheats, Tips, Codes, Hints and Tricks

Cheat mode

Press [F8] during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following case-sensitive codes, then press [F8] again to close the console window and to activate the corresponding cheat function. Press [Up] or [Down] with the console window open to move through previously entered commands:externInclude developer:main – Enable developer debug menu and keysexternInclude developer:open_door – Open a nearby doorexternInclude developer:spawn_alienattack – Aliens spawn and attackexternInclude developer:reloadstuff – Ammunition for all weapons and 100 flashlight energyexternInclude developer:givestuff – All weaponsexternInclude developer:warpforward – Warp player 300 units forward on mapexternInclude developer:warpmore – Warp player 3,000 units forward on mapexternInclude developer:fullhealth – Full healthexternInclude developer:giveallkeys – All keys for levelexternInclude developer:loseallkeys – Lose all keys for levelexternInclude developer:openallremotedoors – Open all remote doorsexternInclude developer:closeallremotedoors – Close all remote doorsexternInclude developer:immortal – God modeexternInclude developer:stuffed – God mode, full health, all weapons, ammo, upgradesexternInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien1 – Spawn Alien Type 0externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien2 – Spawn Alien Type 4externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien3 – Spawn Alien Type 9externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien4 – Spawn Alien Type 11setMissionSuccessCounter 1 – Win current missionsetMissionFailureCounter 1 – Lose current mission, crashes gamehideGUI – Hide user interfaceshowGUI – Show user interfacemessage [text] – Display messagedisableAllAI – All AI disabled, doors immovableenableAllAI – All AI enabled, doors movablequit – Quit gameenableHostileAI – Enemies cannot movedisableHostileAI – Enemies move again

Debug menu and developer keys

Use one of the following keys after the externInclude developer:main code is enabled. Press [F2] and [F3] to move through the debug menu options. Press [F4] to select the current option.[F5] – Warp player 300 units forward on map[F6] – Toggle God mode[F7] – God mode, full health, all weapons, ammo, upgrades[F9] – Cycle camer mode[F10] – Open AnirecorderI – Rotate camera leftO – Rotate camera rightG – GrenadeL – Next camera angle boundaryK – Toggle unit mode[Keypad Plus] – Zoom camera in[Keypad Minus] – Zoom camera out[Keypad Enter] – Zoom next camera[Shift] + L – Multiple unit select[Shift] + R – Multiple Unit select[~] – Select all units

Cheat mode:
Press “F8” during game play to display the console window. Enter one
of the following case-sensitive codes, then press “F8” again to close
the console window and to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Enable developer debug
menu and keys externInclude developer:main
Open a nearby door externInclude developer:open_door
Aliens spawn and attack externInclude developer:spawn_alienattack
Ammunition for all weapons
and 100 flashlight energy externInclude developer:reloadstuff
All weapons externInclude developer:givestuff
Warp player 300 units
forward on map externInclude developer:warpforward
Warp player 3,000 units
forward on map externInclude developer:warpmore
Full health externInclude developer:fullhealth
All keys for level externInclude developer:giveallkeys
Lose all keys for level externInclude developer:loseallkeys
Open all remote doors externInclude developer:openallremotedoors
Close all remote doors externInclude developer:closeallremotedoors
God mode externInclude developer:immortal
God mode, full health,
all weapons, ammo,
upgrades externInclude developer:stuffed
Spawn Alien Type 0 externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien1
Spawn Alien Type 4 externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien2
Spawn Alien Type 9 externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien3
Spawn Alien Type 11 externInclude developer:developer_spawn_alien4
Win current mission setMissionSuccessCounter 1
Lose current mission,
crashes game setMissionFailureCounter 1
Hide user interface hideGUI
Show user interface showGUI
Display message message
All AI disabled,
doors immovable disableAllAI
All AI enabled,
doors movable enableAllAI
Quit game quit
Enemies cannot move enableHostileAI
Enemies move again disableHostileAI