Game Boy Advance

Monster Rancher Advance

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Monster Rancher Advance is a thrilling and exciting game for the Game Boy Advance that will keep you on the edge of your seat. In this game, you have the opportunity to raise and train your very own monsters to compete in battles against other trainers. With a wide variety of monsters to choose from, each with their own unique abilities and strengths, the possibilities are endless.

As you progress through the game, you will have the chance to explore different environments, uncover hidden secrets, and unlock new monsters to add to your collection. The strategic gameplay will challenge your skills as you navigate through the world of Monster Rancher Advance.

With its vibrant graphics, engaging storyline, and addictive gameplay, Monster Rancher Advance is sure to captivate players of all ages. So grab your Game Boy Advance and get ready to embark on an epic monster-raising adventure like no other. Are you ready to become the ultimate monster trainer?

Monster Rancher Advance Game Cheats, Tips, Codes, Hints and Tricks

Go to the Shrine and enter “Rika” (case-sensitive) for Ace, a kind of Antlan.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Justice” (case-sensitive) for an Antlan called Moon Light. Go to the Shrine and enter “Ninja” (case-sensitive) for a very strong form of Antlan. Go to the Shrine and enter “Roko” (case-sensitive) for an Antlan named Justin.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Flighty” (case-sensitive) for an Arrowhead with Hard Shell and Dark Aura. Go to the Shrine and enter “Torble” (case-sensitive) for an Arrowhead named Silverface. Go to the Shrine and enter “Cyber” (case-sensitive) for an Arrowhead named Stalgunner.

Go to the Shrine and enter “zompe” (case-sensitive) for a kind of Joker.

Crab Zuum
Go to the Shrine and enter “TK” (case-sensitive).

Go to the Shrine and enter “KEEPSLY” (case-sensitive).

Go to the Shrine and enter “POWER!!” (case-sensitive).

Go to the Shrine and enter “Word” (case-sensitive) for Diablos, a type of Dragon.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Infinite” (case-sensitive) to get a monster with 255 on all stats.

DJ Mogi Go to the Shrine and enter “Will” (case-sensitive) for a DJ Mogi with Grace Step, Heat Resist, and Act View.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Killer” (case-sensitive).

Go to the Shrine and “enter pal” (case-sensitive). Go to the Shrine and enter “Spyro” (case-sensitive). Go to the Shrine and enter “Kawrea” (case-sensitive) to get a Dragon named Magmaheart. Go to the Shrine and enter “Juno” (case-sensitive) to get a Dragon named Quellepre. Go to the Shrine and enter “Do come” (case-sensitive and including the space) to get a Dragon (no combo).

Go to the Shrine and enter “Football” (case-sensitive) for a Ducken named Fankung. Go to the Shrine and enter “Strange” (case-sensitive) for a Ducken named Piyokkung.

Go to the Shrine and enter “99%POW” (case-sensitive). Go to the Shrine and enter “Paladin” (case-sensitive) for a very strong Durahan named HolyKnight. Go to the Shrine and enter “Avenger” (case-sensitive) for a Durahan named Selven.

Go to the Shrine and enter “PAI” (case-sensitive). Go to the Shrine and enter “TopStats” (case-sensitive) for a red Golem named Tyrant. Go to the Shrine and enter “Luminous” (case-sensitive) for a Golem named Naskar. Go to the Shrine and enter “Crystal” (case-sensitive) for a Golem named Crystalia.

Go to the Shrine and enter “MAE” (case-sensitive). Go to the Shrine and enter “Project0” (case-sensitive) for a Joker with Loud Voice and Dark Aura. Go to the Shrine and enter “Angel” (case-sensitive) for a Joker named Gespenst. Go to the Shrine and enter “MEGADETH” (case-sensitive) for a Joker named Skull Gold.

Lava Blood
Go to the Shrine and enter “Redbull” (case-sensitive). This monster has Sharp Claws, Heat Resist, and Life Know.

Go to the Shrine and enter “SEAINSUN” (case-sensitive) for a Lesione named Irassie. Go to the Shrine and enter “Jungle” (case-sensitive) for a Lesione named Grilief.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Homer” (case-sensitive).

Metal Octy
Go to the Shrine and enter “ryu” (case-sensitive).

Go to the Shrine and enter “Polar” (case-sensitive) for a Mew named Polar Mew. Go to the Shrine and enter “Pale” (case-sensitive) for a Mew named Ballad.

Go to the Shrine and enter “miss” (case-sensitive). Go to the Shrine and enter “Most” (case-sensitive) to receive a very strong form of Mocchi that is white with 170 health. Go to the Shrine and enter “Rouge” (case-sensitive) for a Mocchi named Soft Pink. Go to the Shrine and enter “Pabs” (case-sensitive) for a Mocchi named White Moch.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Jackson” (case-sensitive) for a Mogi named Thrillie. Go to the Shrine and enter “WAKE UP” (case-sensitive) for a Mogi named Oricon.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Citrus” (case-sensitive) for a Momo named Valencie.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Santa” (case-sensitive) for a strong Lulu.

Go to the Shrine and enter “LIKETEA” (case-sensitive) for a Naga named Punisher.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Sausage” (case-sensitive) for a Octopee named Vienna. Go to the Shrine and enter “Snow” (case-sensitive) for a Octopee named Yuppee.

Peng Mocchi
Go to the Shrine and enter “Geni” (case-sensitive).

Go to the Shrine and enter “Ultra” (case-sensitive) for a Pixie named Altima. Go to the Shrine and enter “Nature” (case-sensitive) for a Pixie named Nymph. Go to the Shrine and enter any name of a character from Dead Or Alive.

Go to the Shrine and enter “RMN_6” (case-sensitive) for a Plassie with 163 health.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Ryu” (case-sensitive) for a Psiroller with Earth Knowledge and Armor. Go to the Shrine and enter “Shark” (case-sensitive) for a Psiroller with Earth Knowledge and Dark Aura. Go to the Shrine and enter “RABBIT” (case-sensitive) for a Psiroller named Rabiroller. Go to the Shrine and enter “MOTOGP” (case-sensitive) for a Psiroller named Motoroller.

Go to the Shrine and enter “QABSTABS8” (case-sensitive) for a strong Saga.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Tesca” (case-sensitive) for a Suezo named WhiteSuezo. Go to the Shrine and enter “ONLIGHT” (case-sensitive) for a Suezo named Jagandi.

Go to the Shrine and enter “jeds” (case-sensitive). Go to the Shrine and enter “Lion” (case-sensitive) for a Tiger with Electric Resist and Grace Step. Go to the Shrine and enter “Leaf” (case-sensitive) for a Tiger named Remus. Go to the Shrine and enter “Papas” (case-sensitive) for a Tiger named Kamui.

Combine an Arrowhead and a Zuum.

Go to the Shrine and enter “98%SPEED” (case-sensitive). Go to the Shrine and enter “Alien” (case-sensitive) for a Zan named Ibuki. Go to the Shrine and enter “Predator” (case-sensitive) for a Zan named Setsuna.

Go to the Shrine and enter “KEEPSLY” (case-sensitive) for a Zuum named Chrono. Go to the Shrine and enter “Luxury” (case-sensitive) for a Zuum named Glarlie.

Go to the Shrine and enter “Zompe” (case-sensitive). You must get permission to get this monster before you can use it.

Get a specific monster
To get a specific monster, if you have permission just go to the shrine and enter its exact name.

Monster Name Code (Case Sensitive)

Albina =-0
Alrato ::~)
Amazoon NURSE
Angolmor Slut
Antlan (Moon Light) Justice
Antlan Ninja
Antlan (Justin) Roko
Antlan (Caraban) int.
Antlan (Dragoon) DAVEY
Antlan (Ace) Rika
Antlan (Marbel) Suicune
Antlan (Tomcat) ANTS
ArmedArrow =-)
Armocchi axe
Arrowhead Flighty
Arrowhead (Silverface) Torble
Arrowhead (Stalgunner) Cyber
Basilisk Evil
Bian Snow 🙂
Blue Terror ” XES” (Without quotes)
Brakios Goku
Brix ~~1
Clocker zompe
Crab Zuum TK
Cyclops POWER!!
Diablos Word
Didi .-) (Floating Period)
Diva Infinite
DJ Mogi Will
Dogmar Killer
Dokkung Bof1
Dragon pal, Spyro, or Celebi
Dragon Spyro
Dragon(Diva) Infinite
Dragon (Magmaheart) Kawrea
Dragon (Quellepre) Juno
Dragon Do come
Dragon (Neidhiezer) Bof2
Dragon YANK
Dragon(Niezheg) ultimate
Ducken (Piyokkung) Strange
Durahan 99%POW
Durahan WARWAR9
Durahan(HolyKnight) Paladin
Durahan(Selven) Avenger
Durahan mar
Dragon (Tiamet) plan
Dramew =-D
Durahan(Bloss) BLADE
Durahan(Vesuvius) Blade
Durahan(Lorica) Swordss
Durahan(Goldie) Swordss
Durahan(Berserker) SWORDSS
Durahan(Oct Knight) Blades
Durahan(Angas) BLADES
Durahan(Highlander) SWORDS
Durahan(Lezaal) BLADESS
Durahan(DarkRaider) SWORD
Durahan(Hermes) Bladess
Ducken(Mochikung) Slash
Earth Zuum Kitty
Eroller GOLEM
Gai wax
Golem PAI
Golem (Tyrant) TopStats
Golem (Naskar) Luminous
Golem (Crystalia) Crystal
Golem (Titan) Big
Golem ZAC
Hell Heart %%%%
Jabberwok ONE
Janne Axe
Joker MAE
Joker Project0
Joker (Gespenst) Angel
Joker (Skull Gold) MEGADETH
Joker (Hell Heart) Noil
Joker hell
Joker death
Joker (Undertaker) Pokemon
Lava Blood Redbull
Lesione (Irassie) SEAINSUN
Lesione (Grilief) Jungle
Lesione fin
Lilm lord
Lunasos JUN
Madderie Homer
Metal Head _SEX
Metal Octy ryu
Metamew GOAL!
Mew (Polar Mew) Polar
Mew (Ballad) Pale
Mew Mewtwo
Mew(Rocky Mew) O+++++++
Mewpee Bear
Mocchi miss
Mocchi Most
Mocchi (Soft Pink) Rouge
Mocchi (White Moch) Pabs
Mogi (Thrillie) Jackson
Mogi (Oricon) WAKE UP
Momo (Valencie) Citrus
Momo (Momorien) Santa
Mustardy Tenchi
Naga (Punisher) LIKETEA
Naga (Dogmar) Killer
Joker MAE
Joker (FlareDeath) Bolzoi
Momorien Santa
Naga (Albina) KONG
Naga (Stinger) WAYNE
Nyaggy LGRR
Nyaggy (Punkie) Onix
Nyaggy (Chemics) Pichu
Oct Knight Knight
Octopie (Vienna) Sausage
Octopie (Yuppee) Snow
Octopie (Lemopee) V(zxGHH
Octopie (Fur Octy) BnxwvYWU
Palasulo pop
Peng Mocchi Geni
Pierrocchi Lord
Pixie (Altima) Ultra
Pixie (Nymph) Nature
Pixie (Nyang) Raichu
Pixie (Vanity) Dratini
Pixie (Allure) GrAy
Pixie (Mermaid) Silver
Pixie Sexy or SEXY
Pixie (Janne) Lady
Pixie ady
Plassie RMN_6
Psiroller Ryu
Psiroller Shark
Psiroller (Rabiroller) RABBIT
Psiroller (Motoroller) MOTOGP
Pixie (Janne) GIRL
Quinte RYU_
Rhinogigas Org
Rose Diver Krabby
Rubia Zapdos
Salamander =~i
Sea Bishop Jan
Slaath =-!
Suezo (WhiteSuezo) Tesca
Suezo (Jagandi) ONLIGHT
Suezo (Brown Eye) BOF4
Suezo (RockySuezo) ROCK
Suezo (Bloodshot) BOOK
Suezo n.y.
Suntarn best
Syuri SOY
Tiger jeds
Tiger Lion
Tiger (Remus) Leaf
Enter for a Tiger named .
Tiger (Kamui) Papas
Enter for a Tiger named .
Tiger Redwolf
Tiger (Flarester) wolf
Tiger (Cabalos) PHOENIX
Tomcat Rege
Tomcat (Heel Ow) GRAY
Tomcat (Marbel) Marche
Trident PECK
Undertaker Pokemon
VenomArrow Kato
Vioscissor Dad
Zaki Spike
Zan 98%SPEED
Zan (Ibuki) Alien
Zan (Setsuna) Predator
Zan (Rei) Holy
Zuum (Chrono) KEEPSLY
Zuum(Glarlie) Luxury
Zuum BOF3