PC Games

Master of Orion II

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Complete current construction project

Hold [Control] and type “finish” at the Planet screen.

Complete current technology research

Hold [Control] and type “billgates” or “gates” at the Galaxy screen.

Toggle omniscience

Hold [Control] and type “davinci” on any screen.

Revel races for diplomacy

Hold [Control] and type “bell” at the Galaxy screen.

1000 BC

Hold [Control] and type “trump” on any screen.

Unlimited turn

Hold [Control] and type “asimov” on any screen.

Increase technology

Hold [Control] and type “edison” on any screen.

Select hero

Hold [Control] and type “napoleon” on any screen.

Antaran attack

Hold [Control] and type “intel” on any screen.

Display score

Hold [Control] and type “score” on any screen.

Enter these cheat codes while holding down
the Alt key.

Actions: Results:

MOOLA –> gives you $1,000
EINSTEIN –> gives you all technology
MENLO –> gives you robo miners
ISEEALL –> omniscience (use with caution; it
–> can change your race stats)
SCORE –> gives your current score
CRUNCH –> completes current building project
(should be typed in colony screen)
CANONLYB1 –> all CPU opponents unite and attack
you (should be in galaxy screen)