Sega Genesis

Insector X

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Unlimited Continues
When your game is over and the timer is counting down, hold LEFT and UP, then press C. With every press of C, the number of continues increased by one.

Unlimited continues:

Hold Up/Left and tap C when the timer appears

on the continue screen. An additional continue will be added each

time C is pressed.

1 AVZA-AA3G Keep shot power after dying
2 AVZA-AA3N Keep special weapons after dying
3 BVSA-AA2W Infinite stock
4 AVWA-AA2W Infinite credits
5 AAFA-AAFY 1 credits
6 AEFA-AAFY 2 credit
7 AJFA-AAFY 3 credits
8 AYFA-AAFY 6 credits
9 BJFA-AAFY 11 credits
10 CTFA-AAFY 21 credits
11 BJDA-AAD4 + BJBT-AABA Start with 10 stock
12 B6DA-AAD4 + B6BT-AABA Start with 15 stock
13 CTDA-AAD4 + CTBT-AABA Start with 20 stock
14 DEDA-AAD4 + DEBT-AABA Start with 25 stock
15 GJDA-AAD4 + GJBT-AABA Start with 50 stock
16 NTDA-AAD4 + NTBT-AABA Start with 100 stock
17 9JDA-AAD4 + 9JBT-AABA Start with 250 stock
18 8TDA-ACD4 + 8TBT-AABA Start with 500 stock
19 7ADA-AGD4 + 7ABT-AABA Start with 1,000 stock
20 BKZA-AABY Starting speed of 10
21 B7ZA-AABY Starting speed of 15
22 CVZA-AABY Starting speed of 20
23 D3ZA-AABY Starting speed of 30
24 EPZA-AABY Starting speed of 35
25 GKZA-AABY Starting speed of 50

26 SFYT-BNT0 Each P worth 3 (half) shot power
27 SFYT-B2T0 Each P worth 6 (full) shot power
28 SFYT-BJT0 Each P worth 2 & each PP worth
3 shot power
29 SFYA-B218 Each PP worth 6 (full) shot power