PC Games

Europa Universalis 3

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Step into the shoes of a great leader and shape the course of history in Europa Universalis 3. This grand strategy game from Paradox Interactive puts you in control of a nation during the early modern period, allowing you to guide its development, wage wars, and engage in diplomacy with other countries. With a deep and complex gameplay system, you’ll need to carefully manage your resources, make tough decisions, and navigate the intricate web of alliances and rivalries that define the era. Will you build a mighty empire that stands the test of time, or will your nation crumble under the weight of its own ambition? The choice is yours in Europa Universalis 3.

Europa Universalis 3 Game Cheats, Tips, Codes, Hints and Tricks

Cheat Mode

While ingame, hit § (the key under ESC for some ppl), ALT+21 on the numpad to access the console. You can now use the following codes, has to be case sensitive:

discoverDiscover indicated province
colonistGet colonists
diplomatGet diplomats
merchantGet merchants
missionaryGet missionaries
cashGet money
pirateGet pirates
prestigeGet prestige
spyGet spies
stabilityGet stability
investInvest in that technology
die nativeNative attack
revoltStart revolt
fowToggle fog of war
fullscreenToggle full screen mode
eventTrigger event
undiscoverUndiscover indicated province

Technology names

Use one of the following entries with the invest code.land_technaval_techproduction_techtrade_techgovernment_techcountry_morale_techadvisor_arrived_techledger_naval_techledger_production_techledger_goverment_techcureent_tech

Cheat mode:
Press “�” or hold “Alt” and press “21” on the numeric keypad during game
play, then enter one of the following codes at the console window to
activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Trigger event event
Get pirates pirate
Get money cash
Get stability stability
Get prestige prestige
Get spies spy
Get diplomats diplomat
Get missionaries missionary
Get merchants merchant
Get colonists colonist
Native attack die native
Toggle fog of war fow
Discover indicated province discover
Undiscover indicated province undiscover
Start revolt revolt
Invest in that technology invest
Toggle full screen mode fullscreen

Technology names: