Nintendo GameCube

Def Jam Vendetta

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Ruffneck (New Outfit)
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press Y, X, B, A, Y.

Penny Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, A, A, B, X.

Razor Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press B, Y, B, X, A.

Razor (New Outfit)
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press Y, X, A, B, B.

Redman Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, X, B, Y, A.

Sketch Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press B, B, X, Y, A.

Peewee (New Outfit)
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, B, B, Y, X.

Proof (New Outfit)
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, Y, B, Y, X.

Pockets Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press B, Y, X, Y, A.

Ruffneck Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, Y, A, B, X.

Snowman Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press B, B, A, A, X.

Scarface Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, Y, A, B, Y.

Unlock Omar & Deebo
Finish story mode using all 4 story mode fighters.

Zaheer Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press B, B, Y, A, A.

T’ai Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, X, Y, A, X.

Steel Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, B, X, X, B.

Spider (New Outfit)
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press Y, B, A, Y, X.

Nyne Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press Y, X, A, A, B.

Manny (New Outfit)
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, Y, X, Y, X.

Ludacris Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, X, X, Y, B.
Masa Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, X, B, Y, Y.

Opal Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, X, Y, Y, B.

Iceberg Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press Y, B, X, Y, X.

House Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press B, A, B, X, A.

Headache Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press B, B, B, Y, X.

Peewee Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, A, Y, B, Y.

Chukklez Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press Y, Y, B, A, X.

Omar Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, X, Y, B, B.

DMX Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, A, X, B, Y.

Deja Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, Y, X, X, A.

Deebo Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, X, A, A, B.

Dan G Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, X, A, X, Y.

D-Mob (New Outfit)
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press Y, Y, B, Y, Y.

Moses Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press B, B, Y, Y, A.

Cruz Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, B, A, A, X.

N.O.R.E. Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, Y, B, A, X.

Carla Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, Y, A, A, A.

Briggs (New Outfit)
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, B, X, Y, X.

Arii Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, Y, B, X, Y.

Drake Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press B, Y, X, A, A.

Funkmaster Flex Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press X, B, X, X, Y.

Method Man Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press Y, X, A, B, X.

Drake (New Outfit)
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press A, B, B, X, X.

D-Mob Unlocked
Go to battle mode and pick any type of match then put in a user ID on the User Setups Menu. Now at the character select screen HOLD L+R+Z and rapidly press Y, B, X, A, X.

Unlock characters
Select Battle Mode. At the character selection screen, hold L + R + Z then quickly enter one of the following codes:

Method Man:
A, Y, A, X, A.

A, B, A, Y, Y.