Sega Saturn

Black Fire

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Follow your mission, listen to the instructions. Complete the mission. Remember, there are bonus targets on levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. There will be a purple dot on your radar, when you complete the bonus mission, you will get an extra life.

View Animation Sequence
At the Title Screen:

1. Press (Start)
2. Then Z, A, Z, A, B, A, B, Y, C, A, C, A 3. It will now play the FMV Screens.

God Mode
At the PRESS START screen do these steps carefully!

1. Press and HOLD A, press and HOLD B, press and HOLD C
2. Then, release C, release B, release A.
3. And then DO this: B, A, B, Y, HOLD X, Up, HOLD Down, release X, release Down.
4. A voice should say “you are on the wrong team”.

The above 3 codes are from Emperor Cybersurfer

Level Skip
At the PRESS START screen do this VERY CAREFULLY!

1. Press and HOLD C, press and HOLD B, press and HOLD A, press and HOLD Up, press and HOLD L(shift).
2. Then, release A, release C, release L(Shift), release Up.
3. A voice should say “Blackhole engaged”
4. During the game press and HOLD A+B+C+Up+L(shift) to advance Or HOLD X+Y+Z+Up+L(shift) to go back.

Reload / Refuel
1. At the PRESS START screen enter L(shift), A, Z, Y, A, Down, Down
2. Then simply PAUSE / UNPAUSE during game to refuel and reload.

General Strategy
Use collective up and down to do “nap-of-the-earth” flying. Staying close to the ground makes it harder for enemies to hit you and ground targets to spot you in their radar.

Watch All Video Sequences:

At the title screen when the words “Press Start Button” are flashing,
press Z, A, Z, A, B, A, B, Y, C, A, C, A. The game will show all the
video sequences. Press Start to skip any video sequence.


Do the following cheats at the title screen when the words “Press Start
Button” are flashing.

Stage skip:

Press and hold C, then press and hold B, then press and hold A, then
press and hold Up, then press and hold L. Release A, then C, then L,
then Up. A voice will say, “Black hole engaged.” Now you can activate
the cheats during play. To go back one level, press and hold A, B, C,
and Up. Then press L. To go forward one level, press and hold X, Y, Z,
and Up. Then press L.


Infinite fuel & weapons:

Press L, A, Z, Y, A, Down, Down. You’ll hear a voice say, “There she
is! Beans and bullets on the way!” To restore fuel and ammo during
gameplay, pause the game and unpause it by pressing Start. When you
unpause the game, fuel and ammo will be refilled.



Press and hold A, then press and hold B, then press and hold C. Then
release C, then B, then A. Next, press B, A, B, Y, press and hold X,
press Up, press and hold Down, and then release X. A confirming voice
will say, “You�re on the wrong team.” When you start the game, your
chopper is invincible!