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Cheat :

To get these codes to work, you must complete a series of puzzles by entering Banjo’s house, standing on the green rug, and looking (Up C to zoom in) at Bottles’ picture twice. After completing each puzzle and receiving a code, enter it by using the Beak buster on the tiles in the Underwater Castle in Treasure Trove Cove. Puzzle codes are not saved, and must be re-earned each time the machine is turned on. Earned by completing puzzles:bottlesbonusone: big head Banjo. bottlesbonustwo: big hands Banjo. bottlesbonusthree: big head Kazooie. bottlesbonusfour: “hot dog” Banjo – Banjo has a stretched-out body. bottlesbonusfive: Banjo with a small head. bigbottlesbonus: giant Banjo and big head Kazooie. nobonus: returns Banjo-Kazooie to their normal form. blueggs:200 eggs (Requires book near Freezezy Peak puzzle)redfeathers:100 red feathers (Requires Mad Monster Mansion book)goldfeathers:20 gold feathers (Requires Rusty Bucket Bay book)breldufeatherggs:200 eggs and 100 feathers (Requires book near Freezezy Peak puzzle & Mad Monster Mansion book)bleuredgoldfeathers:Restore all items (Requires book near Freezezy Peak puzzle, Mad Monster Mansion book & Rusty Bucket Bay book)cheatnowyoucanflyhighinthesky:Unlimited red featherscheatbanjobegsforplentyofeggs:Unlimited blue eggscheatdontbeadumbogoseemumbo:100 Mumbo tokenscheatanenergybartogetyoufar:8 honeycombscheatgivethebearlotsofair:Unlimited aircheatlotsofgoeswithmanybanjos:Unlimited livescheatagoldenglowtoprotectbanjo:Unlimited gold feathers wishywashyBanjo:Turns Banjo into a washing machine. Book near Freezezy Peak puzzle:This book is located behind the entrance to Bubblegloop Swamp, near the jigsaw puzzle for Freezeezy Peak. When you first walk through the pipe that leads to the puzzle board for Freezeasy peak and the second pipe to the spell book, a block of ice will be covering the second pipe. First, get the wading boots in the pipe near the beginning of the Bubblegloop Swamp area. Go through the pipe as Banjo and break the block of ice. Then, have Mumbo Jumbo transform you into the alligator in Bubblegloop Swamp and enter the pipe that leads to the spell book Mad Monster Mansion book:Transform into a pumpkin in the Mad Monster Mansion level with Mumbo’s help. Leave the skull and follow the winding path to Brentilda’s platform. Enter the small hole and follow the path to the spell book. Rusty Bucket Bay book:Find the entrance to Rusty Bucket Bay. Locate the cave with three pipes to the right of this location. Open the middle pipe and enter. Activate the “321” switch that is inside to raise the water level. Jump into the water and quickly move to the right. The book is located in the cave to the right.Alternate game selection screens:The game will randomly play a humorous saved game animation. Rare has confirmed that any code that involves pressing A when the fish in the bowl does something is false. No cost transformations:Begin game play, using a new saved game file. Accumulate five Mumbo Tokens and gain access to Treasure Trove Cove. Instead of giving Mumbo tokens at this point, get the Sandcastle Jiggy and enable the “Banjo is a washing machine” code. Enter Mumbo’s hut while in washing machine form to transform without using any Mumbo Tokens. Breaking the Click Clock Wood boulder:It is possible to break the boulder blocking the Beaver’s hole in Click Clock Wood on the Spring level. Stand on the ledge above the rock, then find the correct angle just to the right of the rock. Drop eggs onto the boulder to break it open. Swim into the hole on this level to find some glitches, such as the Beaver still asking to move the now destroyed rock. Extra lives in Mr. Vile’s games:With Mumbo’s help, turn into an alligator in the Bubblegloop Swamp. Then, enter the nose of the giant alligator statue. Beat Mr. Vile in his games to get the puzzle piece, then walk out and re-enter for a new challenge. Beat Mr. Vile in his three games to collect extra lives. Note: You will lose a life if any of the games are lost. Refill extra lives:Complete the Treasure Trove Cove area. You may now return Treasure Trove Cove at any time. Go to Banjo’s house, press C-Up at the picture of Bottles, then press Start. Leave the house and all the extra lives will re-appear. The closest ones are located behind the water fall and on top of the house. Hidden magic token:In Clanker’s Cavern, do a back flip on the very edge of where Banjo enters the area to find a magic token. Get Mumbo’s transformations without using any Mumbo Tokens:This trick will allow Mumbo’s transformations to be activated without using any Mumbo Tokens. Start a new file in the game. Play through the game until five Mumbo Tokens have been collected and have access to Treasure Trove Cove; but do not give Mumbo any tokens yet. Get the Sandcastle jiggy piece. Return to Banjo’s house in Spiral Mountain and complete the Bottles puzzles to earn the washing machine code. Enable the code in Treasure Trove Cove to become the washing machine. Return to Mumbo’s Mountain and enter Mumbo’s hut. He will say, “Banjo has plenty tokens, stand on skull and press B for mighty Mumbo magic!” Stand on his platform and press B to become a termite. The sign will disappear, the spell will become free, and Banjo will still have the same number of tokens Safer fall:Press Z immediately before hitting the ground from a fall. Jump further:Press Attack during any jump. Faster dialogue:Hold B to scroll the text dialogue faster. Skip dialogue:Press L + R + B skip the dialogue display.

Safer fall:

Press Z immediately before hitting the ground from a fall.

Jump further:

Press Attack during any jump.

Faster dialogue:

Hold B to scroll the text dialogue faster.

Skip dialogue:

Press L + R + B skip the dialogue display.

Cheat codes:

Collect the puzzle piece and complete the “Treasure Trove Cove” section.
Return to Banjo’s house. Approach the picture of Bottles the mole hanging
above the fireplace and press C-Up to look at it. Make sure you are standing
on the carpet. A hidden mini-game with a moving puzzle will begin. Complete
the puzzle to receive a code word, then return to Treasure Trove Cove. Enter
the sand castle after lowering the water. Spell one of the following codes
on the floor of the sand castle to activate the corresponding effect.

Effect: Code:

Banjo has big head BOTTLESBONUSONE
Banjo has big hands and feet BOTTLESBONUSTWO
Kazooie has big head BOTTLESBONUSTHREE
Banjo is skinny with small head BOTTLESBONUSFOUR
Skinny w/small heads, big hands, and big feet. BOTTLESBONUSFIVE
Combination of all previous “Bottles” codes. BIGBOTTLESBONUS
Banjo is a washing machine WISHYWASHYBANJO
200 eggs1 BLUEEGGS
100 red feathers2 REDFEATHERS
20 gold feathers3 GOLDFEATHERS
200 eggs and 100 feathers1, 2 BRELDUFEATHERGGS
Restore all items1, 2, 3 BLUEREDGOLDFEATHERS
Disable codes NOBONUS

1. Requires book near Freezezy Peak puzzle.
2. Requires Mad Monster Mansion book.
3. Requires Rusty Bucket Bay book

Note: The following Spell Books are required for some codes:

Cheato Book 1:

This book is located behind the entrance to Bubblegloop Swamp, near the
jigsaw puzzle for Freezeezy Peak. When you first walk
through the pipe that leads to the puzzle board for Freezeasy peak and the
second pipe to the spell book, a block of ice will be covering the second
pipe. First, get the wading boots in the pipe near the beginning of the
Bubblegloop Swamp area. Go through the pipe as Banjo and break the block of
ice. Then, have Mumbo Jumbo transform you into the alligator in Bubblegloop
Swamp and enter the pipe that leads to the spell book.

Cheato Book 2:

Transform into a pumpkin in the Mad Monster Mansion level with Mumbo’s help.
Leave the skull and follow the winding path to Brentilda’s platform. Enter
the small hole and follow the path to the spell book.

Cheato Book 3:

Find the entrance to Rusty Bucket Bay. Locate the cave with three pipes to
the right of this location. Open the middle pipe and enter. Activate the
“321” switch that is inside to raise the water level. Jump into the water
and quickly move to the right. The book is located in the cave to the right.

More codes:

The following variations on the other cheat codes will also work after all Spell
Books have been collected.

Effect: Code:

20 gold and 100 red feathers BGOLDREDUFEATHERS
20 gold and 100 red feathers GORBELUDFEATHERS
20 gold and 100 red feathers GROELDBFLEAUTHEREGS
20 gold and 100 red feathers REGOLDFEATHERS
100 red feathers BREGODLFEATHERS
20 gold and 100 red feathers, 100 eggs BRGGOLDEFUREDGFATGHERS

Alternate game selection screens:

The game will randomly play a humorous saved game animation. Rare has confirmed
that any code that involves pressing A when the fish in the bowl does something
is false.

No cost transformations:

Begin game play, using a new saved game file. Accumulate five Mumbo Tokens and
gain access to Treasure Trove Cove. Instead of giving Mumbo tokens at this
point, get the Sandcastle Jiggy and enable the “Banjo is a washing machine”
code. Enter Mumbo’s hut while in washing machine form to transform without using
any Mumbo Tokens.

Breaking the Click Clock Wood boulder:

It is possible to break the boulder blocking the Beaver’s hole in Click Clock
Wood on the Spring level. Stand on the ledge above the rock, then find the
correct angle just to the right of the rock. Drop eggs onto the boulder to break
it open. Swim into the hole on this level to find some glitches, such as the
Beaver still asking to move the now destroyed rock.

Extra lives in Mr. Vile’s games:

With Mumbo’s help, turn into an alligator in the Bubblegloop Swamp. Then, enter
the nose of the giant alligator statue. Beat Mr. Vile in his games to get the
puzzle piece, then walk out and re-enter for a new challenge. Beat Mr. Vile in
his three games to collect extra lives. Note: You will lose a life if any of
the games are lost.

Refill extra lives:

Complete the Treasure Trove Cove area. You may now return Treasure Trove Cove
at any time. Go to Banjo’s house, press C-Up at the picture of Bottles, then
press Start. Leave the house and all the extra lives will re-appear. The closest
ones are located behind the water fall and on top of the house.

Hidden magic token:

In Clanker’s Cavern, do a back flip on the very edge of where Banjo enters the
area to find a magic token.

Get Mumbo’s transformations without using any Mumbo Tokens:

This trick will allow Mumbo’s transformations to be activated without using any
Mumbo Tokens. Start a new file in the game. Play through the game until five
Mumbo Tokens have been collected and have access to Treasure Trove Cove; but do
not give Mumbo any tokens yet. Get the Sandcastle jiggy piece. Return to Banjo’s
house in Spiral Mountain and complete the Bottles puzzles to earn the washing
machine code. Enable the code in Treasure Trove Cove to become the washing
machine. Return to Mumbo’s Mountain and enter Mumbo’s hut. He will say, “Banjo
has plenty tokens, stand on skull and press B for mighty Mumbo magic!” Stand on
his platform and press B to become a termite. The sign will disappear, the spell
will become free, and Banjo will still have the same number of tokens.

Version 1.0

DE000400 0000 Enable Code (Must be on)
8124C9D8 1700
81287BA4 1700
812D3DC0 1300

80038A8C 0063 Mega Jump
80385F87 000X Honeycomb Modifier. Put in a number from 1-8.
That is the number of honeycomb life boxes you have.
8137D468 5019 Have Swamp Boots (Invisible)
8015304B 6464 No Banjo Or Kazooie In Intro
80385F87 0008 Max Health Available
81386004 4100 Time Always 0:00:08
8133AAAD 64DD Invisible Mode
80385F8B 0009 Infinite Lives
80385F6F 0061 Always have 97 red feathers
8133AAAD 64DD Inviso Mode
810DF9D0 1112 Funky World
81081081 0810 Weird Intro
800EFFEF FE04 Blue Beard Grunty
80385F7B 0010 Always have Yellow Jingo
80385F7B 0077 Always have Pink Jingo
80385F7B 0063 Always have blue/green Jingos
80385F70 0010 Infinite Gold Feathers
80385F6E 0077 Infinite Red Feathers
80385F65 0010 Infinite Eggs
80385FC7 0077 Infinite Mumbo Tokens
80385FCB 0077 Infinite Jiggy’s
80385F63 0077 Infinite Notes
8E2A99BB 511A Ice Skate Mode
B0ED11AF 0001 See SharkFood Island Cave
810DFD90 152F Bad Gass Kazooiedescription
800F503C 0001 Night/Glitchy
800F503B 0001 Night/Lights as you go

D0281251 0020 L Button For Moon Jump
8137C4BC 43E0

810DF9AC 0066 Ultimate Glitch Code
810DF9DA 0055
810DF9CD 0099
810DF9AB 0088
810DF9CC 0088

This is basically a combination of all the other glitch codes (Funky world,
smear mode, etc.) with a lot of extra cool added surprises! This code is
all about exploring, so look around and you will find weird neat things!
(this code seems to only affect Gruntys Lair) Also, whenever you enter
and re-enter a room you will find either, smeared or messed up textures,
or other weird glitches! One time everything turned black and the
enemies where glowing green!! Also when I entered the desert entrance,
Banjo fell and was laying on the floor! Sometimes you can even get chunks
of Banjo to fly towards you!

80385F63 6A77 1080 Mode

Warning this code is permanent! No this has nothing to do with that
snowboarding game! What you need to do is start a game in which you
have 900 notes. Go into every level and collect 1 note. Bottles will say
that your new score is 120 notes! Collect 1 note from all 9 worlds until
you get 1080 notes. Now weird things will start to happen! You will lose
some of your moves, some enemies will be invincible, the bridge to Grunty’s
lair will be out, and more! To get your moves back start the gave over
and re-visit all the mole hills. Although you will forever have 1080
notes, look for other weird thing this code does.

80385F83 0000 Expert Mode
80385F8B 0000

Version 1.1

DE000400 0000 Enable Code (Must Be On)
8124B728 1700
812864E4 1700
812D2E00 1300

803851AB 0009 Infinite Lives
803851A3 0008 Infinite Health
813851AE 0E10 Infinite Air
803851A7 0008 Max Health Available
803851E7 0063 Infinite Mumbo Tokens
803851EB 0063 Infinite Jiggy’s
80385183 0063 Infinite Notes
80385187 0063 Infinite Eggs
8038518F 0063 Infinite Red Feathers
80385193 0063 Infinite Golden Feathers
8038519B 0010 Have All Jinjos
8138524C 4100 Time Always 0:00:08

D02804C9 0020 L Button For Moon Jump
8137B6BC 43E0