Sega Genesis

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle

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Skip Sequences

In order to skip rock, paper, and scissors sequences, you must wait until the conversation with the boss has ended. After that, Press start to get to the options screen, then press start again and you should skip the sequence.

Skip rock-scissors-paper sequences:

Approach any boss and wait until the conversation ends. Press

Start to display the options screen, then press Start

again to resume game play.

1 AFBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 2
2 AKBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 3
3 APBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 4
4 AVBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 5
5 AZBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 6
6 A3BT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 7
7 A7BT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 8
8 BBBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 9
9 BFBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 10
10 BKBT-AACJ + BPBT-B74L + A3BT-AA4N Start on round 11
11 DKBA-BC1A Start with 1 life
12 DVBA-BC1A Start with 2 lives
13 D3BA-BC1A Start with 3 lives
14 H3BA-AG9A Start with 4 lives
15 N3BA-A8SA Start with 6 lives
16 NVBA-A8SA Start with 8 lives
17 NKBA-A8SA Start with 10 lives
18 A3ST-B64Y 100 Baums needed to continue
instead of 1000
19 BBST-B64Y 500 Baums needed to
continue game
20 GBST-B64Y 3000 Baums needed to
continue game
21 ABST-B64Y Game can always be continued
22 CKST-B64Y Game can never be continued
23 AWNA-B68E Gold coin worth 50 Baums
instead of 10
24 A4NA-B68E Gold coin worth 100 Baums
25 B4NA-B68E Gold coin worth 1000 Baums
26 ACNA-B68E Gold coin worth nothing
27 ALPT-B662 Bag of gold worth 10 Baums
instead of 100
28 BCPT-B662 Bag of gold worth 500 Baums
29 B4PT-B662 Bag of gold worth 1000 Baums
30 ACPT-B662 Bag of gold worth nothing
31 HCRA-BJXA Doll prize worth 2 extra lives
instead of 1
32 HCRA-BNXA Doll prize worth 3 extra lives
33 ALRA-AA5A Doll prize worth nothing
34 AKGA-B64A + AMBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 10 Baums
35 AVGA-B64A + AXBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 50 Baums
36 A3GA-B64A + A5BA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 100 Baums
37 BBGA-B64A + BDBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 500 Baums
38 B3GA-B64A + B5BA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games cost 1000 Baums
39 ABGA-B64A + ADBA-B68L + RFGA-A6V8 All Janken games are free
40 RG4A-A610 + HC4T-BAAN + Alex always wins at Janken
41 9NDA-B93Y Alex jumps higher
42 9EDA-B93Y Alex jumps much higher