A Bug’s Life

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Level select:
Go to the ant hill from the main screen. Then, hold C-Up + C-Down + C-Left
+ C-Right + Z and press R. An arrow pointing to the right will appear at
the bottom of the screen to confirm correct code entry. Scroll the screen
in that direction to access any level.

Hold Z + R + L when the level description appears at the start of a level.
Note: The invincibility only lasts for the current level.

Unlimited lives:
Return to training level and find the letters to spell “FLIK” to gain a
bonus life. Repeat this to obtain as many lives as needed before resuming
the regular game.

811E1A2C 0004 Infinite Health
801E1A38 0009 Infinite Lives
801E1A39 0032 Max Grain
801E1A3A 000F Have All FLIK
811E1A2E 0001 Start with Blueberry
811E1A2E 0002 Start with Homing Berry
811E1A2E 0003 Start with Goldberry
811E1A26 0000 All Enemies Killed
811E1A28 0020 Always Have Super Jump
81099150 000F Unlock All Levels