PC Games

7th Legion

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Embark on a thrilling adventure in the post-apocalyptic world of ‘7th Legion’ – a real-time strategy game that will test your strategic skills and decision-making abilities. Set in a war-torn future where two factions, the Chosen and the 7th Legion, battle for supremacy, you must lead your army to victory and ensure the survival of your people.

With a wide range of units at your disposal, including infantry, tanks, and air support, you must carefully plan your attacks and outmaneuver your enemies to secure victory on the battlefield. As you progress through the game, you will uncover the secrets of this war-torn world and make choices that will shape the outcome of the conflict.

Featuring stunning graphics, immersive gameplay, and a gripping storyline, ‘7th Legion’ is a must-play for fans of real-time strategy games. Are you ready to lead your army to victory and become the ultimate commander in this epic battle for survival? Play ‘7th Legion’ now and find out!

7th Legion Game Cheats, Tips, Codes, Hints and Tricks

Cheat :

Start a Mission with Anything :Look for a file called missions.ini in your .data dir, and open it with your favorite text editor. Under each mission profile, you will see a header called “PVSTART” followed by 44 numbers. Each number represents how many of each unit you will start with. Starting from the left here is a list of which each number represents, this is a partial list. If you know the rest, please email me: 1 – Ore Carrier2 – Ore Truck3 – Crusader4 – Oppressor5 – Crucifier6 – APC7 – Faith Hammer8 – Annihilator9 – Purifier~17 – Mortar Unit18 – Priest19 – Medic20 – Slaven Rider~34 – Inquisitor AC35 – Revelator AC~37 – Nova AC~39 – Redeemer AC

To give yourself an extra boost in 7th Legion, look at the file
called missions.ini in your .data directory. At the bottom of
each mission profile you see a header called ‘PVSTART’. That’s
your starting vehicles. Each number there represents how many
of a certain unit you will start with. Be careful when editing
this – sometimes (Usually with machine gunners, as far as I can
tell), your map will load and a fair chunk of your force will
blow up. Here are a few of the unit places:
(Each number I list represents which number 0 on the list, from
left to right. You should have something like 44 numbers there,
but don’t quote me on that)

Actions: Results:

1st zero –> Ore Carrier
2 –> Ore Truck
3 –> Crusader
4 –> Oppressor
5 –> Crucifier
6 –> APC
7 –> Faith Hammer
8 –> Annihilator
9 –> Purifier
17 –> Mortar Unit
18 –> Priest
19 –> Medic
20 –> Slaven Rider
34 –> Inquisitor AC
35 –> Revelator AC
37 –> Nova AC
39 –> Redeemer AC

Last one is your mobile construction vehicle.

As for the others… Just experiment. You can have any unit you
like by doing this, nomatter what team you are sided with.

An example for any who don’t follow:

The original looks like this:

You’d begin the mission with a Crusader tank and an MCV.

Let’s spike it..

Now when you begin, you’ll have two MCVs (Just in case), the
wimpy Crusader is gone, and you have 7 Purifiers, 4 Redeemers
(For that long range fun) and 8 Revelators (Because they just
look so cool). Naturally, you want to send small attack packs
with these guys, since they are pretty well irreplaceble, and
you gotta love those cards..

You can also change your mission goals, the briefing and some
other stuff in that file, though I’d stick to the safe side
and just mess with your units.

***Remember that if you are reloading a saved game after you’ve
edited the file, you MUST hit escape and go to ‘Restart Level’
in order for it to work!!***